3. Breaking a Hero's Spirit

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I decided to add titles now. Lol
Anyways, hope the last chapter was enjoyable and I hope this chapter is just as good. Enjoy!
Btw: trigger warning


Inko Midoriya paced on the living room floor at 8:30 PM, biting her fingernails and listening to another person say what she had heard 10 times before.

"Sorry, Mrs. Midoriya, but we haven't seen Izuku since he left school." Mr. Aizawa informed over the line. "Didn't he go home at all?"

Inko shook her head. "N-no! I haven't seen him since this morning." She stopped by the coffee table at the open notebook filled with numbers from the school, including some of Izuku's friends. "I tried to call him back a few times, but he hasn't answered. He said his battery was low or something."

A heavy sigh was heard on the other side, "We'll see what we can do. If someone does see him, I'll make sure to let you know."

Inko sniffled and took a deep breath. "Thank you." She hung up and set the phone down. She looked back at the door, hoping her song would just come back already.

It wasn't like Izuku to stay out this late. He hardly ever stayed out late, for that matter. Ever since he just randomly ended the call, she could sense something was wrong. However, she didn't know what.

"Please, Izuku," she whispered. "Please be okay. Please just come home already."


Blood sprayed onto the wall of the dark and damp room Izuku was trapped in.

Another yelp of pain escaped his mouth as he fell back onto the concrete ground. His face was smeared with his own blood, his hands tied up by cold chains, shackled to the wall.

Shigaraki smirked as the blade he held was stained with red. "Get up." He demanded.

Izuku whimpered as his body ached. He didn't want to get back up. He knew what awaited him; another hit or stab from Shigaraki. What was the difference though? He was getting beaten either way.

He somehow managed to stand up again. That only lasted for a few seconds as Shigaraki kicked his stomach, sending him back into the wall.

Izuku grunted and fell to his knees. The sickening feeling came back to him and he turned the other way, vomiting whatever he could. He was surprised there was anything left after the first 2 times he was forced to throw up.

He wiped it off his mouth and looked back at Shigaraki.

Shigaraki sighed. "How many more hits can you take?" He walked closer to the boy and grabbed his torn up uniform, forcing him up. "You're pathetic, you know that."

Izuku simply panted in response, tearing up. "W-why are you doing this to me?" He grit his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut when Shigaraki dug the knife into his arm again.

"You're not strong enough to become a hero." He growled at Izuku. "You'll never be."

"N-no... You're lying." The younger male coughed as a new cut was made on his arm. He knew what Shigaraki was trying to do, but he wasn't that broken to believe that lie...yet.

Shigaraki grabbed his arm tightly with his gloved hands. "I heard your quirk is pretty complicated."

Izuku inhaled sharply, feeling the pressure on his wounds and cuts. "You have a lot of power, but that's thanks to the help of someone else, right?"

"The only problem is, once you use that power, you become broken." Shigaraki finished as he slammed Izuku into the ground and turned his arm the opposite way.

Some Smiles Aren't Heroic ~Boku No Hero Academia Fanfic//Villain Deku (CANCELED)Where stories live. Discover now