"this IS my life"

Start from the beginning

Emma: "Alpine, new jersey"

Me: "damn those houses are insane"

Emma: "yep"

Me: "what did you do with all the homes, like did you sell them"

Emma: "no we payed them off all at once so we kept them all"

Me: "how much was that"

Emma: "no clue, I don't think it's that much anyways"

Me: "true, but your family is basically worth 1.1 billion dollars"

Emma: "so is yours"

Me: "actually our whole family is worth 112 million"

Emma: "still a lot"

Emma's pov
I felt like an asshole answering his questions even though it was true. So I quickly changed the topic to keep him from asking more questions

Me: "did you pick something from the closet yet"

Gray: "oh no, not yet"

Me: "ok cause we can't play once the sprinklers go off"

Gray: "why not"

Me: "cause I don't wanna get wet"

Gray: "it's more fun"

Me: "but I just showered"

Gray: "we're playing no matter what"

Me: "fine." I pouted

I could tell grayson was overwhelmed by all the clothes.

Me: "you need help there"

Gary: "a little"

I went over to the clothes and picked out a simple white Burberry collared top and some matching shorts

Me: "here you go"

Gray: "that was so fast"

Me: "I guess you could say it's my talent. Plus, I could tell you were overwhelmed"

Gray: "thanks"

Me: "go try them on"

Gray: "where"

Me: "There's a fitting area around the corner"

Grayson's pov
I couldn't find the fitting area so I just started changing around the corner. As I was changing, I noticed that the zipper was on the back of the shirt and shorts. I needed help but i couldn't ask Emma for help.

Emma's pov
Gray was taking forever to change so I decided to check on him. I turned to my right, around the corner to the fitting area to see that he isn't there.

Me: "Gray!" No response.

I turn to the left to see Gray basically half naked, struggling to zip his zipper up. He was rolling on the floor to trying to zip it up. Why does this always happen.

Me: "what the hell are you doing on the floor, I thought you were in the fitting area."
I said as I laughed

Gray: "umm I couldn't find the fitting area"

Me: "you turned left, but the fitting area was on the right"

Gray: "ohhhh I'm so stupid"

Me: "does it fit"

Gray: "I'm not sure I can't seem to get this zipper up."
He said shyly.

Me: "well then zip it up.
I teased on purpose."

Gray: "I can't reach it c-can you uhh help me." He stuttered.

Me: "sure, where's the zipper?"
I knew damn well where the zipper was.

Gray: "um it's on my back and uh- on my lower back to my ass."

I tried so hard to keep my chuckle in but I failed. Grayson glared at me.

Gray: "what are you laughing at"

Me: "nothing." i said as I tried to take my laughter

I easily zipped up the shirt but I tried so hard not to laugh cause I was basically touching his ass.

Gray: "you done?"

Me: "yep"

Gray: "ok let's go"

Me: "do you even know where it is"

Gray: "of coarse."

he said confidently

Me: "then lead the way"

Gray struggle to direct us so I walked in front of him to actually lead the way.

Me: "hmm that's what I thought"

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