"I was such a jerk at that time, and I am still a jerk nowadays.." He add, while letting out a small chuckles. A sound of burping from Emily make him turn his head to look at her.

"Ughhhhhh..." Emily groans after burping. Totally, and completely drunk. Just as she look like she is going to fall from the couch, the guy catch her.

"I got you.." He say, while holding Emily in his arm. Looking at her face up close like that make him smile a little.

"You are showing me many sides of you today..." He remember when he saw her crying at the St. Matthew's Cemetery. Remembering how she was crying so hard, kneeling on the ground make him stare at her face so intensely. He can't help himself but to wonder, what had make her so sad like that.

And then, out of sudden, Emily throw up on his shirt, with her eyes still closed. "Ughh.." She groans, while mumbling a little, and close her eyes back like she is ready to sleep right there, at that position.

He let out a chuckles while his eyes is staring at her. "And now, you're drunk.."

Just as he is ready to get her out of the club, Emily's phone rang. He take her phone, and see the caller's name that is currently showing on Emily's screen.



Main St, Buffalo, New York,
Amherst Station Apartments.

"Ughh.." She groans, while holding her head. After a few minutes of staying still on the bed, Emily sit while leaning on her back. The fact that she wake up in her own room, and not in some kind of hotel room with a stranger really make her feel relief. But the problem is, she can't really remember how she got herself home.

"Oh crap..Did I just drive while drunk???" She say to herself, with a little gasp.

"No you didn't..." A very familiar voice is coming towards her bed. Elizebeth.


"Why? Are you expecting that it's gonna be that hot smoldering guy???" Elizebeth say, while taking a sit on her bed. She give Emily a very naughty smile.

"What guy???" Emily ask.

"Seriously Emily?? You don't remember???" Elizebeth reply, with her unbelief expression. She can't believe that her best friend can't even remember about that guy after everything that he had been through last night just because of her.

"You should quit drinking. I mean it." She add again, while shaking her head.

"What did I do??" Emily eyes is wide. The fact that she don't even remember about meeting any guy really freak her out. Maybe Elizebeth was right, she really should stop on drinking.

"Oh my god!! Did he do something weird to me?? Or did we end up sleeping together??" Emily is currently freaking up. What if Elizebeth actually found her in a hotel with that stranger.

"You better stop on making stupid assumptions before I cut your tongue off.." Elizebeth say, almost glaring at her. How could she ever thought that the hot guy would do such thing to her. Elizebeth smirks a little when an image of that guy come into her mind.

"Okay, back to the situation," She continue to explain the whole situation to Emily.

"This super hot guy that I am talking about is actually the one that told me to get you. At first I was actually kinda freaked out when a guy's voice that was picking up my call when I called you last night. He told me to come, and get you cause you was so damn drunk at that time.." Elizebeth stop for a seconds to roll her eyes towards Emily.

"So, I figured that you must've went to the club by taking your car. Therefore, this genius friend of yours decided to take a cab instead of taking my own car, cause I know damn well that you are not in the condition to drive your own car..the end.."

"So you're telling me that this guy that you were talking about right now was actually not a pervert? I didn't do anything stupid while I was drunk right??" Emily ask.

"That hot of a guy, a pervert??? Absolutely a big no..." Elizebeth reply, while shaking her head.

"Okay, does this guy that you claimed to be super hot had a name???" Emily ask while rolling her eyes. It is almost ten times Elizebeth keep on saying about how hot that guy is.

"Shawn..." She reply with a smile all over her face.

"Shawn O'Brien...." She add.

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