Lure them in Part 1

Comenzar desde el principio

"So you're telling me that a snake magically grew arms and stabbed Donnie with a knife?"

"No, a young girl that calls herself Viper, I'm guessing that she was hired by Shredder to assist him."

"So this Viper girl had attacked you guys?"

"Yeah but she only attacked us when we had Karai pinned down. Viper attacked us, saved Karai, threw a smoke bomb down and disappeared. After that we ran back to the lair to patch Donnie's arm."

"No idea who this Karai chick is but I'm sorry to hear that." I placed my hand on top of his right hand.

Leo blushed slightly then smiled "Is it an okay place to stay here?"

"Yeah, your home is amazing." I said truthfully "Never would have guessed that mutant turtles lived in the sewers of New York." I laughed. For the first time I was truthful.

Leo laughed as well, "Yeah well when Splinter and us got mutated, I guess Splinter couldn't resist, and decided to raise us." Leo explained.

I smiled slightly and this time it was a real smile. I looked at Leo. I remembered my mission then frowned.

Leo gave me a questioning look. I spoke, "Have you ever felt like you're being led the wrong way?" I asked.

Leo nodded, "When Karai blamed Splinter for killing her mother when really it was a guy named Shredder. Karai is actually Splinter's daughter. I don't know why she's so blind to see the truth." Leo said.

I raised an eyebrow "Oh." Was all I could say.

Shredder told me that Splinter had corrupted and told lies to his students, that Shredder was the one who killed Yoshi's wife. I guess there is no chance in saving Leo, he's far to corrupted with evil.

I was about to question him but then I remembered that I need to stick to my mission. I sighed then stood "Imma gonna go, my father is probably worried." I said lying.

"Want me to walk you home?" Leo asked smiling.

An idea popped in my head then I nodded 'yes'.

I can lead Leo near Shredder's lair then ambush him and knock him out. His brothers will want him so I'll use him as bait. Perfect!

"Let me just text my father that I'm on my way home." I said.

"Okay, I'll be getting my weapons from my room." Leo said as he walked into his room.

I pulled out my phone and texted

'Listen up, I have Leo walking me "home" but I'm going to lure him close to the Shredder's lair. Just track me down on my phone and you'll find our location.


He's the only one I'm bringing.'

I sent the message just in time before Leo came out of his room with his katanas strapped to his back or shell whatever you want to call it.

"Ready?" Leo asked.

"Yeah, let's go."


We were on the roof tops as I was slowly leading Leo to his doom.

Come on Karai, where the fuck are you? Please don't tell me you didn't see the text message.

"So, where did you say you lived?"

Before I could answer I got a text.

"It must be my father." I said.

I looked at the text and it was from Karai saying 'We see you and Leonardo, we'll be ready when you make the first move.'

"What did your father say?"

I put my phone away "He's just worried about me that's all." I said with a smile.

"So where do you live at exactly?" Leo asked as he walked ahead of me a little.

"I live two blocks from here."

While Leo was speaking I raised three fingers in the air, signaling the Foot for a count down.


The Foot suddenly appeared all around us and had weapons pointed towards Leo.

"Becka, it's the-"

"Foot Clan, I know." I finished the sentence for him.

I felt someone pat my left shoulder twice and I knew it was Karai.

"Very impressive job Viper, now if you would leave me and my soldiers to some unfinished business." Karai said as she slowly made her way towards Leo.

"Y-you're Viper? You're the one who attacked me and my brothers!"

I smiled, "Believe it Leonardo, believe." I taunted him.

"You're gonna pay!" Leo said as he equipped his katana and charged at me.

Before he could lay a finger on me, Foot Soldiers held him back.

"You will pay for betraying us!" Leo said in pure rage.

"Keep telling yourself that, cause it's never going to happen."

Leo tried to break free of the Foot Soldiers holding him back but failed miserably. Soon, Foot Soldiers had managed to strip Leo away from his katanas and forced him to his knees.

"Let me go!" he struggle from the multiple hands pinning him down.

Karai laughed at his attempt.

"Enough fooling around! Just knock him out already." I said.

Karai pulled out a rag and I could smell the chloroform radiating off of it. She walked over to Leo and slammed the rag on his nose and mouth.

He held his breath before he could inhale the fumes.

"Damn it! Now what are we supposed to do? Keep this rag on his face for minutes?" Karai complained

"I have a better idea." I said walking over to Leo.

Just when I got close to him I kicked Leo's stomach with all my strength. Leo groaned in pain and I heard him take deep breaths of "air"

"Good night, turtle." I said before Leo's eyelids shut.

His body slumped forwards as two Foot Soldiers dragged him away.

"What about the other three turtles?" Karai asked.

"Oh don't worry, I'll bring them out the lair."


I whispered the plan to get the other three turtles out of hiding.

As I explained more detail about the plan, Karai's grin grew bigger and bigger.

"I like your plans you come up with Viper, very well done."

"Now be ready and don't make any mistakes. We can't afford to make even a small error."

"We'll be waiting." she said.

I nodded and ran back to the lair.

I had strapped my knives behind my back and made my way back to the lair.

"One by one turtles, you will all perish from the face of this earth."


Hey guys what's up:) Thank you for reading this story even though it can get confusing. :)


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Peace and Love bye!

Hired to kill the turtles(under editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora