Then there's Yukari, who's pretty much the complete opposite. She's all talk, though wouldn't hurt a fly. She's also incredibly intelligent, with straight A's in all her classes. Sometimes I ponder why the other girls accept her the way they do — most other students like her would be frowned upon and labelled 'nerd', 'freak', 'twat' or 'tryhard'. She's funny and generally an easygoing person though; definitely a breath of fresh air.

Finally, there's Ring, a petite girl with pretty, pastel blue hair and dainty features. She's incredibly silent and wanders around after us like a shadow, following in our footsteps and agreeing to anything anyone says with a nod of the head and a forced giggle.

What about myself? Where do I stand in my own group? Well, I'm dramatic, I guess I'm smart, and I suppose my appearance is alright — but most importantly, I'm rich. Extremely rich. I've been born into a world of money. And at first, some of these girls were quite obviously only hanging out with me because of that — overtime though, we became such a tight-knit group; we're like the royal fucking family. Treated like it, too.

The six of us attend an all-girls school. And to the majority of students, we are iconic. We are role models. We are celebrities. We are royalty. They follow our social media and pick up on our trends. They all want to be accepted by us, to be just like us. We're the popular girls, the cool kids.

Why? That's beyond me. Believe it or not, I don't give two shits about popularity. But it came free to me. And admittedly, it certainly makes my school life that little bit more interesting, and in some respects, easier.

"Oh, right." Miki pipes up, bored of sulking and looking at me through furrowed eyes. "Your ex has been trying to spread rumours about you, Luka."

I blink once, twice. "Lily?" I inquire, earning a chorus of nods from the surrounding group.

I'm not straight. I came out to my friends as lesbian four months back in October after they came across my profile on a dating app that specified the gender I was looking for. Luckily, they were extremely accepting, which, quite honestly, really surprised me at the time.

Since then, I've dated two girls — the first one I met through the dating app, which lasted about two and a half weeks before we decided it just wasn't working out. The latest one, Lily, was a little bit messier.

When we got together, I took down my dating profile. I wanted to be as loyal as I possibly could to her. I really thought she was the one, which may sound ridiculous to some people — I suppose that's with good reasoning, though, looking at us now.

We dated for two months. Everything was going so smoothly, until it came to an abrupt halt. She started acting strange; she wouldn't talk to me, she'd accused me of all kinds of false crap, and with that, she turned around and left.

"We are done". Those words still ring through my head. I can remember the tone of her voice, the look in her eyes, the stepping of footsteps in the rain as she walked away from me.

And it hurt. It killed me. Even now, hearing her name creates a dull ache in my heart. IA has told me time and time again it wasn't my fault, it was hers. But I can't help wondering whether some words I spoke or some actions I was unaware of contributed to her change of feelings. After all, do they really just change like that?

"She's making up some incredibly shitty, far-fetched excuses." Miki retorts, shifting positions and crossing her arms with a scowl. "The first one being you used her for money. The next being you'd verbally abuse her if she didn't comply."

My heart sinks. It's always painful, hearing how much your efforts have gone to waste. I treated her the best I could. If anything, she used me — the amount of pricey gifts I've bought her is countless.

Vocaloid: Re:VERSE  [Miku x Luka]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें