Dreams?... Reality?... Or The Never Ending Nightmares?...

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Frisk kept waking up from her recurring nightmares... They all ended the same way... It just seemed that either she had control or not... Sometimes she'd watch herself as she attacked the Skeleton... And sometimes she'd have control... But they all ended the same way... A warm embrace... Followed by a sharp pain in her back that would wake her up... After the 18th time she crawled out from under Sans arm, careful not to wake him, and then walked to the bathroom... She could still feel the phantom pain in her back as she pulled up her sweater to take a look... What she found appeared to be multiple scars... Both old... And new...

She knew there were really old ones from her first foster home but... Those had faded to a point they were practically gone... And yet there were new ones that looked a few weeks old and yet... They weren't there before... Frisk was scared... She had just told Sans about her illness, and now this!

She closed her eyes as she began to panic... She knew she couldn't hide it for long... Soon she'd need a bath and he'd see it... But... What should she do... He would just bring her to Alphys and have her tell him everything... And the fact that the knew nothing would devastate him... She wished she could just go see Alphys now and get it over with... Then suddenly she heard a sound, and as she opened her eye she found that she was no longer in the Skeleton's bathroom... She looked around and realised that she was in Alphys' patient treatment room.

Frisk didn't understand as she walked out to find Alphys sitting on the couch with Undyne watching, 'Kissy Kissy Mew Mew The Movie: Return of the Mew 3!', Alphys jumped and Undyne threw a spear at Frisk, which grazed her arm, leaking the black fluid as the door closed behind her. "F-F-F-FRISK OH MY GOD! A-A-ARE YOU O-O-OKAY! HOW D-D-DID YOU G-GET HERE!!!", "Oh geez sorry kid! Aww man Sans is gonna kill me for this...", Alphys ran over to Frisk to help stop the bleeding as Undyne paused the movie. "O-o-oh m-man Undyne, y-y-ya really got her... This w-will need s-stitches...", "Oh Man Now Sans Is Really Gonna Kill Me... Speaking of which, hey kid where is the smiley trashbag? You couldn't of gotten in there without him? What he do drop ya off here and leave? If so, I'll Pummel The Freak!", Frisk giggled at her enthusiasm, she wasn't comfortable talking around Undyn yet but that didn't mean she didn't like the energetic fish swordswoman, as they walked back into the treatment room Frisk sat down and explained what had happened, from her getting advice from Papyrus, to telling Sans of her illness and helping her breathe again, to her recurring nightmares leading her to the bathroom and then suddenly being in this room. Alphys had finished stitching her arm and then asked to see her back, as she did Undyne chimmed in, "Yep those do seem old... How many times did you get this dream?", *Oh umm... Let's see... Once yesterday and... 18 today I think... Why?*, Undyne froze but then told her, "There's at least 19 here...", this shocked Frisk turning her eye a light yellow as Undyne continued, "And to me it sounds like ya did a 'Short-cut' like the smiley trashbag likes to do when he's lazy.". It made sense to her but she didn't know how she'd done it in the frist place... She shrugged it off but Alphys seemed worried by this, "Hmmmm, w-w-wait here from a moment...", Alphys left, leaving Frisk and Undyne alone but soon the sounds of banging and drilling could be heard from behind the door, soon it stopped and Alphys was back. She handed Frisk a phone, "H-here. S-since you can't s-seem to c-control this y-yet, I m-made you a personal ph-phone. I-it will a-allow you to contact s-someone i-if you get lost o-or stuck s-somewhere... A-and i-if you press this button n-next to someone else's ph-phone it w-will allow them t-to track it, l-like so...", as she did it both Undyne's and Alphys' phones lit up and downloaded a tracking softward, Frisk could now see and icon of Alphys, Undyne, and her self on a little radar. Frisk smiled at the cute little figure, Alphys had clearly put a lot of work and effort into this phone for her. She thanked them both and Alphys became flustered while Undyne grinned from ear to ear.

Alphys got some cream out for Frisk's back, to help the scars heal a bit. They then went out and continued watching the movie, Alphys was informing Frisk what had already happened in it, as Undyne got a call and left the room.

Falling Down Slowly... A Undertale Love Story (UT Sans × Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now