"Can't preform when your starving" Claudia laughed.

"Hell no. It's like the Sahara desert up there when I get hangry." Amber added shaking her head. "It's not healthy."

Anne sighed when Ruby winked. Another car passed down the street but the brunette kept her green eyes on the three women across the street who whispered to one another. Turning, she got into her car leaving only Morgan standing. His attention still on the sports section.

"Why are you saying no to her?" Amber asked leaning on the brick wall. "I'd do anything to fuck a woman instead of a sweaty guy for the night."

Ruby watched the car sit still while she took another puff of her cigarette. "She doesn't fuck me."

The two other girls nodded. "She's a talker?"

"Not exactly."

Feeling the breeze of another car pass by, Ruby gulped seeing the driver put the newspaper away and motion her over. For some reason she complied, looking both ways before crossing the street.

"Ms. Frey don't like to be told no."

The blonde nodded, "I've seen."

"She wants to know if you like Italian."

She smiled, "I love it."

Morgan shook his head, "You know she'll get you back eventually for making her look bad."

Watching his door shut, ruby looked back at her friends before opening the back door and sliding in slowly. She knew she regretted getting in as soon as those green eyes turned towards her. They didn't seem angry or intense, but they didn't seem happy either. Anne said nothing as she turned to her phone. The screen lighting up with messages.

Ruby decided not to talk, she watched the man drive instead and wondered if he worked for her willingly or because she had his family held hostage. Why did people put up with her bullshit? Sure she could be an important person but why does that matter? Feeling the car stop, she blinked a few times realizing she was one of those people too.

Seeing the older woman get out, Ruby slowly followed. Taking her time to look around and walk over to the rocks that looked out at the Hudson River. The wind always blew a little harder where the buildings didn't stand as tall. It made both of their hair swing around violently as they stood beside one another, staring at the ripples from a boat passing by. "Why are we here?" Ruby finally asked.

"To look at the water."

She nodded, "Why?"

"Because I'm angry."

Ruby gulped before she felt her body slam into the car. She didn't know how she got like that as she looked at the taller woman walk towards her slowly with her hands behind her back, but it didn't feel good.

"I've had a hard day Ruby." Anne whispered only inches away from the younger girl's face. "I don't wait on anyone but I waited on you."


Anne squinted her eyes, "It doesn't matter why." She bent lower so their eyes could be at the same level. "If I have to fucking wait on you again, I'll make sure your clients have to find a new whore."

"It's ballsy to threaten a whore who's under a pimp." Ruby spat onto the woman's shoes. "I don't give a shit who you are, you don't fucking own me."

Clenching her jaw as she looked down at her heels Anne closed her eyes and smiled. "I had a lovely conversation with your pimp last night. You're mine after 7:00 every night." Slapping her across the face, the brunette let her eye twitch as she straightened the rings back on her fingers and the watch on her wrist.

Holding her cheek Ruby shook her head and smiled at the woman. "You want me baby you got me, but you're not going to enjoy it."

Tilting her head, Anne pouted her lips and let her thumb rub the blondes red cheek. "Oh I promise I will." Pushing her out of the way the older woman opened the car door and pointed, "Get in."

Rolling her eyes, Ruby slid ungracefully to her seat and looked over at the brunette. She wasn't mad at her for slapping her; she actually couldn't stop herself from smiling. The woman who looked forward so stoically was like a shiny toy. She imagined both of them would have fun. "Where are we going to eat?"

"You mean, where am I going to eat?"

Ruby looked at Morgan who only pulled out onto the streets unfazed by them. "But he asked if I wanted-"

"Italian?" Anne nodded, "Yes, you can watch me eat."

Ruby rolled her eyes again and laid her head on the seat. "I saw the Yankees lost to the Cubs."

"I'm already mad. you don't have to keep trying to piss me off."

"It's a damn disgrace." Morgan whispered shaking his head.

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