Physical Exercise

Start from the beginning

"Has anyone ever told you that you talk to much when you don't get enough sleep?" He question and I give a grin.

"Yes." He rolls his eyes while the dwarf laughs and we continue running across the plains.

"What do you think will happen to the hobbits if we do not reach them in time?" Legolas asks me as we leap of a rock and land on the dusty ground.

"Je ne sais pas."(I don't know) I say, shrugging. He gives me a confused look and I snicker.

"It means I don't know Legolas. I hope we find them before anything happens however. I don't want to think about what they'd do to them." My face falls into worry and he grabs my hand, winding his fingers around mine.

"We will find them." He murmurs and I smile, squeezing his hand.

"I hope so."

We continue running for many more hours, it was growing to late afternoon as we approach a narrow area between two rocks. We run through, our hands still together, but stop short when Aragorn picks something from the ground.

"Not idly do the leave of Lorien fall." The ranger states and I lean forward. It was indeed a silver and green leaf.

"From their cloaks. Clever hobbits!" I breath and take the leaf from his hand, smiling.

"They may yet be alive!" Legolas realizes and Aragorn gets up, we start to jog again.

"Less than a day ahead of us. Come." Aragorn leads us on and I here a thump, turning around I see Gimli on the ground.

"Gimli! Try to keep up! At least nothing impaled you! Let's go!" I yell back to him, faintly I realize Legolas and I's once intertwined hands had slipped apart.

"Come on Gimli! Were gaining on them!" Legolas also shouts back, giving me a smile. I huff and roll my eyes. Elves.

"I'm wasted on cross country! We dwarves are natural sprinters. Very dangerous over short distances!!" Gimli shouts, gasping for breath and I snort in amusement. Of course, silly us.

We climb another hill and I rub my head, a headache was beginning to form. We stop for a moment and I lean on Rune. She was also huffing and placed her head down, taking this chance to collapse.

"Rohan. Home of the Horse-lords." Aragorn announces and I glare at him.

"I said that already. Hours ago. Did you not here?" He looks over at me with raised eyebrows and shakes his head. I let out a long, drawn out sigh in annoyance.

"There's something strange at work here. Some evil gives speed to these creatures. Sets its will against us." He continues and I frown, kneeling and placing my hands into the ground.

"Quelle magie nauséabonde vous a été imposée, chez vous, chez vous?" (What foul magic has been laid upon you, home of men?) I whisper, the earth sends something back to me and I open my eyes. They harden as I follow Legolas ahead, leaving our other comrades behind.

"Legolas, what do your elf eyes see? Galelie, what does your magic tell you?" Aragorn call to us from the ledge behind and I turn around, shading my eyes from the sun.

"They are taking the Hobbits to Isengard!" Legolas yells.

"Saruman has control over this land, this will not be the Rohan that any of us remember Aragorn." I call, putting in what my magic told me. He nods tensely, and the three of them join us as we continue running.

"What's wrong lass?" Gimli must have noticed my worried face, for he pushed himself to go faster and to catch up.

"The land is angry. It is in pain. Saruman has spilt much blood, much pain, these people have been hurt. The earth tells me of the blood that runs on the soil, the screams the wind carries. I fear and grieve for the people of Rohan." I bow my head as we continue to run in sadness. Rune croons and licks my hand, a tiny smile plays on my lips.

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