Chapter 8:The Rescue pt 1

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3rd person P.O.V
Once mooseina was done singing,she was about to murder Isabella but she heard a slight knock on the door.When mooseina open the door she saw Kayla and Nathan on the door.
So what did you need me and Nathan for this time Kayla said.Well good news is that I finally have my Senpai here with me but,there's a slight problem mooseina said.What mean a slight problem,What did you do Kayla said in a angry tone.Well remember Isabella,let's just say she also here but tied to a chair with my Senpai mooseina said.What the hell,how did this happen mooseina,Kayla said still in a upset tone.~~~mooseina explains to her what happen~~~WHY IN THE FUCKING HELL DID YOU DO THIS MOOSEINA,NOW ARE CHANCES OF GOING TO JAIL ARE EVEN HIGHER THANKS A LOT MOOSEINA Kayla yelled.Well I don't mind jail and if I am going to jail your to you know that mooseina said.What oh hell no I am not going to jail,I never wanted to do this mooseina but you force me into this mess now look we're we are now just for a boy A MOTHER FUCKING BOY MOOSEINA Kayla said almost in the verge of tears.Are you kidding me Kayla your about cry and I thought you were strong but your just like everyone else WEAK,and WORTHLESS mooseina said.Nathan can you go and keep an eye on are guest and make sure they don't leave also if hurt my SENPAI,I am going to make sure you die this time with no one holding me back this time mooseina said out of anger.*Mooseina takes out a knife* Now listen and listen closely you bitch,I can kill anytime I fucking want so you can die right now or listen to me and not die what will it be Kayla,mooseina said.F-fine I-I'll listen Kayla stuttered.
~~~Meanwhile with George & Isabella ~~~
Still 3rd person P.O.V
George how are we going to escape from here,and also escape the psycho Isabella said.
Isabella I didn't know you liked me back then how come you never said anything back then George said.I-i just never got the courage to ask you and,you were dating the psycho at the time but that's behind us now we need to get out of this place Isabella said.*doors open*
N-Nathan what are you doing here George said,Wait George you know him Isabella said.Yes I do know him remember the guy I told you about with the potion George said.Thats him ohhh I ship it 😏 Isabella said,I-Isabella this not the time for your shipping George said blushing slightly.(George's mind:I wonder why Nathan is here maybe Kayla is here too if Nathan's here)I am sorry but do I know you Nathan said,I-it's me George your boyfriend y-you still don't remember me Nathan,George said in a sad tone.I though I told you countless times I am NOT your boyfriend Nathan yelled.Hey George didn't you told me you know how to break to change him back Isabella whisper to George,oh yeah I forgot about that but the only way to cure him is by true love but how are suppose to do that Nathan hates me George whisper.I have an idea but I not sure it's going to work,so your going to pretend like you pass out and I am going to call Nathan cause I know if mooseina finds out your pass out she is going to get furious at Nathan and possibly blame him for maybe killing you but if he falls for it he's going to give you CPR while he's giving you CPR you secretly kiss him and hold him back just in case Isabella whispered.Are you sure your plan Isabella,George said.I am 50 percent sure it's going to work,let's wait a couple minutes then we will begin the plan Isabella said.
~~~~~A couple minutes later~~~
*George suddenly passes out*,Hey George you can wake up now the joke is over now seriously wake up,Umm Nathen I think George is pass out can you check if he's breathing please Isabella said to Nathan.Why should I check on him Nathan said in a annoyed tone.NATHAN GEORGE IS MOOSEINA SENPAI AND SHE WILL MURDER YOU SO GO AND FUCKING CHECK ON HIM Isabella yelled.Ok ok clam down I will and check on him Nathan said,*Nathen goes and checks George's pulse*h-he has no pulse (In Nathan's mind:ahhh what do I do,I know I will give him CPR but it's gross you know what forgot about it and just do it)*gives CPR to George*.As Nathan was giving George CPR,George tried to sneakily kiss Nathan it lasted a couple a seconds and when Nathan realize what was happen he pull away as quickly as he could and said What the fuck is wrong with you people you pretend that you pass out and while I was giving you CPR YOU GO AND FUCKING KISS ME WHILE GIVING YOU CPR.George and Isabella where both surprised that there plan didn't succeed.
Nathan's P.O.V
(In Mind:Ugh gross I can't believe he did that,I am not going to lie it was nice...wait no there probably brainwashing me to help them break out )I should probably head over with Kayla and Mooseina,I met up with them ,mooseina looked like she was about to kill someone and,for Kayla she looked terrified and heartbroken I going to see what's wrong with her.I went up to Kayla and asked her what's wrong she stood there and said nothing but she mutter very quietly can we talk in private please very quietly Kayla said.So what do want to talk about Kayla I said,W-well i thing is .....I am going to free George and Isabella and if you tell mooseina anything I will die and you will to so don't say a word Kayla said.All of a sudden I start to become super dizzy and my vision starts to become blurry and next thing I know I black out.
Kayla's P.O.V
Omg what happened I just was talking to Nathan and he passed out ok I going to ask Mooseina if I can take Nathan home cause he passed out randomly and of course she said yes but she told me to come back once he regains conscience(In Mind:I wonder why he passed out...wait d-did they broke the spell,how did they never mind that I need to take him to my place before he wakes up)
~~~~Some time later~~~
Nathan's P.O.V
Ugh w-what happened where am I,ugh my head what happened*suddenly gets flashbacks on what happened *.Where is Kayla,she has a lot of explaining to do.I get off from the couch and look around to see where I am but don't see any signs that anybody is here but, then I see a note and it says: Dear Nathan,I am sorry for what I did to you and I know your mad at me I understand if your still mad at me but George and a friend of George's is in trouble and, I need your help -Kayla.I need to find Kayla and we need to come up with a plan to save George and his friend,You don't need to find me cause I am behind you Kayla said.I need an explanation on what the hell happen to me,I saw flashback on what happen w-was all true or was it a dream.All of it was true and I-i...I am so sorry I did this,I want to make it up to you by saving George and George's friend but you got to trust me Kayla said.Wait Kayla before you tell me the plan why did you do that to me,*Kayla explains why she did it*.So are you still upset or,*Nathan interrupts Kayla's sentence with a hug*I forgive you Kayla so now that's settled what's the plan Kayla.
~~~After explaining the plan~~~
Kayla are you sure this plan will work you know how mooseina is,Of course and if doesn't work I have a plan B Kayla said.Wait what's plan B,that doesn't matter what matters is saving George and Isabella Kayla said.
Mooseina P.O.V
Ugh I need to get rid of Kayla soon she is so annoying and such a b**ch or I can just kill her when she gets back,yeah I should do that,I better get my tools(In Mind: This is way you should never trust me Kayla)
Total words:1487
I hope you enjoyed reading so I haven't posted in a while I have been very busy.I hope you have a wonderful day.
Bye~ :3

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