Chapter 5: The plan

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??? POV
Ugh I can't believe it my Senpai is kissing another guy ew and it's is his best friend aw well double ew.Ugh whatever I just need to find a way to get rid of him but if I get rid of him Senpai we'll be upset and sad about his stupid lover "mysterious death".I need a different plan than what I usually do with my rivals I need my Senpai to forget about him and also to completely end there relationship all together.I think I know what to do but I need to text an "old friend/partner " of mine.
???-is mystery person
K-What do you want ???
???-oh nothing but I heard you and your boyfriend broke up,what happened you guys were the cutest couple well besides me and my Senpai.
K-whatever you say ??? ,but long story short Nathan confessed to me saying that he's bisexual but you already know that I am homophobic so let's just say after he said that things got a little out of hand and broke up in the end.
???-awww I am so sorry to hear that but I got even worse news
K-Great just what I need
???-Well what if I was going to tell you that you ex has already move on
K-okay are you messing around with me he can't get over a break up that quick can he?
???-Oh he can,You know how I do my daily stalking on my Senpai
K-Yeah yeah,I already know that so you don't need to text me saying oh you so handsome or oh he is so whatever just get to the point ???
K-are joking
???-i am I joking now *sends picture of both boys kissing on the floor*
K-Okay that's disgusting and second,I feel so heartbroken and, also why are you texting me you only text me when you have a plan to get rid of your rivals and tell me on how to help you with your plan to get your precious Senpai
???-you know me so well Kayla,and your correct but this is different from the others
K-what do you mean different,don't tell me your going to kill Nathan, please don't even though I not his girlfriend anymore I still care about him
???-I figure you would say that, but don't worry about it I am not going to hurt him.By any chance you ever heard of a forever potion(For those who see Aphmau you know we're this is going to go)
K-A what I never heard of a forever potion,what is it
???-Well what I heard from my friend it's sort of a controlling potion but the difference between those two potions is that the forever potion can be only broken by love or true love something like.This is what I want you to do your going to put this into his drink and once you see his eyes green that means he's under your control and once that's done your going to tell him to tell his "boyfriend" that " I can't believe I was dating someone so ugly,rude,and so childish we're breaking up faggot"after that leave the rest of the plan to me
K-okay but Nathan doesn't trust me I called him a "faggot" you got to give time to befriend him
???- ugh fine I will give you 3 months to befriend him and hurry up cause I want my Senpai to be MINE already
K- okay you can count on me bye ???
???-bye Kayla and good luck
Total words:638
I hoped you enjoyed this chapter have a wonderful day/night or whenever your reading this but anyways goodbye~~~ :3

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