Chapter One

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"Dude this summer is gonna be fucking crazy."

I rolled my eyes and tapped my pencil on my desk as I listened to Marissa rant to her friends about all the parties she was going to throw.

I never really liked her. I mean, I've only known her for about a month, but in that short amount of time, she managed to make up a billion reasons to hate me, spread them around her clique and create a "we hate Kaylee fan club.

It's kind of ironic, because the main reason I was even switched to this dumb school, was to get away from people exactly like her.

"Hey, bedhead, you watching TV in the back of your head? Because I really don't know why you're rolling your eyes."

All I wanted to do was sock her dead in the face. That would show her, her clique and everyone else that the new girl was not afraid of anyone.

But it was a lie. I was afraid. I was afraid of the new school. And the new people. And the new neighborhood. I just wasn't used to it. And I was never a fighter anyways. I just let people say whatever they wanted and get away with it. It was just how I was.

I trained my eyes on the algebra in front of me. I didn't want any problems when it was two weeks away from summer break.

It also sucked that I switched schools at the very end of the year. It wasn't like I had any plans with my "friends" back home, but at least I didn't have active enemies.

"Ha, that's what I thought." She said with a snotty tone.

Before I moved, I never thought that these types of girls actually existed. I went to a pretty diverse school, where people weren't afraid to check you if you stepped of of line. But here, people just let Marisa and her crew along with the other bullies walk all over everyone at the school. Even the teachers.

I guess I was kind of blessed back at my old school, but I didn't feel like I belonged there. I wanted to find people I truly connected with. It would have been nicer to start the year off with them but you can't have everything.

All I needed to do was make it through two more weeks and finals and then I would be free to sit at home and do absolutely nothing while I bathe in the depression of being alone all summer. Honestly, that sounded way better than sitting next to Marissa at that moment.

Finally the bell rang and everyone quickly got up, running out of the door to go home. I also hated that I had algebra as my last class of the day. It just made sitting next to Marissa and not beating the shit out of her everyday, that much more difficult and tempting.

I slowly packed up my supplies and walked out the door and out of the school.

I didn't really make any friends yet, since I was so focused with finals. It was pretty sucky, since the one thing I wanted was a close group of friends, but I knew I wasn't going to be able to find any there. I saw all the groups of kids, hanging out in the front yard, talking about their plans for the summer. Again I rolled my eyes (a horrible habit of mine) and plugged in my ear buds, Kids In The Dark by All Time Low blasting through my ears.

I know. Basic. But I'm the kind of person who drowns out my sorrows in alternative music.

I slowly began the long walk back home, wishing I was in the matrix and able to move things with my mind.

I finally got home, trudging up the stairs to my bedroom before slamming the door shut and throwing my backpack and shoes across the room. I flopped down on my bed before opening Snapchat. It kind of felt like an addiction. I knew I shouldn't have looked at my friends stories, because I knew I was just going to end up feeling alone and sad again, but of course I didn't listen to myself and clicked on the first one anyways.

Tana was having another bonfire. May, Kate, Trudy, Kaylisha, Danny, Rey, Ben and Zyasia were all there. They were sitting around the fire making s'mores and laughing. I felt that pain in my chest again.

It wasn't because I moved. They never invited me even when I lived back at home. It was like I never even left.

The pain started to increase and my eyes started to burn. I didn't want to cry again. It would have been the third time I've cried that week. But the inevitable tears came and I just decided to let them come. There really wasn't anything I could do about it so I turned my phone off, plugged it up and changed into my pajamas.

I grabbed my ukulele and started strumming a soft tune subconsciously. I realized it was "I Will Follow You Into The Dark" so I began to sing along. I couldn't sing for shit but it was one of my main coping mechanisms and it always took my mind off of whatever was bothering me.

After I ended the song I took a deep breath and wiped away the few tears that managed to escape while I was playing. I set my ukulele on the floor next to my bed as I slipped back under the covers and put my head down slowly on the pillow.

I laid there for a few minuets, unable to fall asleep and my mind began to run. There was no way to stop it, I knew, so I just let it wander to wherever it wanted. Of course it went back to my old friends and their bonfire, so I decided that tonight I'd just end up crying myself to sleep. It was only 4:00 but I didn't want to be awake anymore. So as my eyes shut, and my racing mind started to slow, I was left with one thought on my mind before I went to sleep.

This summer is gonna suck.

A/N: hiiii so that was the first chapter of my new book!! It's kind of got a depressing start but I promise it gets way better. Not sure of my updating schedule but we'll see where the wind takes me lol. Bye for now 💗

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