Emily and Brody

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        Cream swirled into her coffee like a milky tornado. Emily watched it diffuse until the mug contained only a smooth, light brown. As long as she kept her eyes on her coffee, she didn’t have to look up and meet his eyes.

        “Emily, please.”

        She sipped her coffee. It was too hot and scalded the roof of her mouth, but it gave her a second to think.

        “I mean it,” she said, setting down the mug with a solid thump. “We’re done.”

        “But why?” The plaintive edge on his voice both angered and aroused her. “We were so good together.”

        Another mouthful of piping hot coffee, another chance to marshal a reply. This time, nothing came to her. She stared at Brody, sitting on the other side of the table, his eyes big and pitiful.


        “That’s not an answer, Em.”

        “Because you’re an android, Brody!” She spilled her coffee. It flowed into a brown lake on the chipped surface of the diner’s table. Emily dabbed at it ineffectually with her thin napkin.

        “Does that change who I am?”

        She held the torn, dripping napkin between them like a talisman. She met his eyes and did not allow herself to look away.


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