Chapter six

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"Listen, can we please do it another time?" I asked with tears forming in my eyes. "No it was our deal" Stiles said back, as he got to the bathroom. It was one of those bathrooms were there's only one toilet so he would have to worry about other people walking in on him. As I feel down i clutched on my shoulder it was very sore from dancing. "You know, I don't know why you try at life at all." Stiles said, as he looked around, and then slowly placed his look on me. "What are you talking about?" I said. Right before answering me he got a message. "Oh you gotta be kidding me" He let out in a clearly annoyed voice. "Get up, mom is home early so she want us to come home as quickly as we can to get family time or whatever." He said with whatsoever no emotional expression. "Oh, o-k-k-ay" I said as i got up, still really scared of what my brother was gonna do. "Stop stuttering already" He said as he reached out to my shoulder just to push me onto the door. "Aww i'm sorry did little miss perfect hit her nose? Well that's too bad, open the goddamn door and lets go!" Stilles let out. I quickly opened the door and put a fake smile on.

"Finally your here" Ethan said. "I was just hoping she wouldn't make it, and that you would of gotten rid of her. Oh well we can't get what we always want" Finn said. "Shut up and lets get in the car, and by the way mom wants us to get ice cream on the way so hurry" Daniel said. "W-h-h-hy?" I let out. "What can you speak up?" Daniel said. "Yeah and what did I tell you about the stuttering?" Ethan added. "I'm sorry I know it makes you look weak, emm just emm why are we getting ice cream?" I asked (That took a lot of confidence)

"I talked with mom while u guys weren't here, and she asked how you did so I told her that you won all that stuff, so she wanna celebrate I guess" Daniel said. "Oh okay" I said.

//In the car//

I looked out the window and just thought about to day, and of course the fact that we are getting ice cream...I'm glad that my mom wanna celebrate me but I really don't want ice cream, but it doesnt matter im probably not gonna be allowed to eat any from my brothers anyways. And just like that I was out like a light.

"Hey fatty we're here" Ethan said. I didn't respond I was actually asleep but i had woken up by the time we got there...but I really wanted to be carried inside so...

"Hello?" Ethan said once again. I still didn't respond. "Oh my god, poke her or something Finn" Ethan said. "No ew I dont wanna touch her she is disgusting." Finn said. "Just be a man and do it Finn" Ethan said, about to lose his temper. "Fine" Finn said, then turned around to poke me. "C'mon you baby wake the fuck up" Finn let out in frustration because I wouldn't wake up. "Guys she isn't waking up" Finn said. "Okay, someone carry her in." Ethan said. They all looked at Ethan. "No no way i'm not doing it" Ethan let out. "C'mon dude just do it the ice cream is gonna melt" Daniel said. "Hey i'll do it if it gets you pussies to shut up" Stiles said. "Oh Little Stiles thinks he's tuff using cuss words huh? Don't make me remind you, of your childhood. " Ethan said. "jezz sory relax" Stiles said as He got out to go around to the other side and pick me up. "Hey Benji you have her jacket right?" Stiles said. "Yeah, why?" Benjii said. "it's cold you idiot, and she is wearing nothing but a leotard" Stiles spat at Benjii. "Jezz here take it." Benjii said as he threw the jacket too Stiles. He carried me inside and put me on the sofa, an I slowly "Woke up"

"Look who's awake!" My mom said as she came over to give me a hug. "Glad you could join us kid" My dad said. "Haha so funny dad" I looked around and I couldn't seem to find my trophies. "Your trophies are still in the car. And we heard that you won a lot of stuff, we are so proud of you hunny!" My mom said. "Oh yeah thank you" I said. "Well I should go take a shower and then get into bed, it's been a long day. And I have extra rehearsal tomorrow is it possible that i can be driven to the studio? I know its a weekend and it's in the morning so I understand if you don't want to, I can always take my bike but its just that it's supposed to be 23 degrees (-5 celsius for my european readers) tomorrow morning so yeah." I said. "Oh that's totally okay Hunny Finn was going to extra morning practice anyways, with his friends.You can just go with them right Finn?" My mom said looking over at Finn. "No mom I don't want her to be with us!" Finn let out. My other brothers were laughing to themselves because I guess Finn having a outburst is funny? "Finn Noah Mccall you will drive your sister and thats final." Mom said. "But mom-" Finn got caught of. "Period Finn." Mom said. "Okay good night then i'll see you all tomorrow." I said kinda nervous because there was a tense feeling in the room. "Goodnight sweetheart" Mom said, and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight bunny" My dad said as he gave me a bro fist. Yeah I know my dad is pretty cool. Right before I was about to go my mom shouted after me. "Emily Merida Mccall Come back down and say goodnight to your brothers what is wrong with you kids these days!?" My mom bursted out at me and then left the room. We all looked over at dad. "I'm on it, but say goodnight to you brothers." he said before he left, to go after her. "hmm go-o-o-odnig-h-h-t" I said and turned back around. "Emily say goodnight for god sakes!" My dad let out. Okay just get it over with I thought to myself. I Went over to Daniel first. "Goodnight." I said, as I gave him a hug. "Goodnight" he said hugging back because if he didn't we would be here all night. So I just gave them all a hug and said goodnight to them all, now I was finally on my way to bed. 

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