Kaylie is obsessed with food; surprisingly considering how skinny she is. She'll eat like a starving orphan. She's funny and will start an argument with you about just about anything she wants. It's weird,though, because when she argues, she's hardly ever mean. She's creative,too, and outgoing. Plus she's kick butt. dauntless made her strong and almost fearless. She's scared of bees, closed spaces, Brenton (her ex boyfriend),  and a few other things. She's become a lot happier since she got here though. And a lot nicer. This place is changing her. It's changing all of us. And I can't tell whether that's a good thing or a bad thing. 

Nevaeh is a complete weirdo. She's crazy. She's more girly than Kaylie and I, but she isn't overly girly. Like, she isn't afraid of getting dirty or anything. But she loves dressing up, clothes,shoes, hair products, and makeup.  She's also really hilarious and quirky.  She's pretty smart too. She wonders about everything,I swear. She could be sitting on the toilet and all of a sudden wonder why the earth is round or something.  Vaeh is a sucker for romance. She's never had a boyfriend,but she can come up with some pretty good relationship advice. If we ever need any,that is. I'm positive that Robbie and Kaylie's innocent flirting is the only thing even close to a relationship between any of us. Its more like a flirtation-ship. 

Robbie is a completely different story. He's mature at times,but other times he's a complete goofball. I sometimes question his sanity. He's also pretty outgoing and ,out of all of us, I'm pretty sure he enjoys doing this list the most. He's really tech savvy and doesn't really care much about what others think of him. He just does his own thing. He's himself and some of the other girl initiates are swooning. He's pretty good looking, I'll secretly admit.  He's not the most flirty in our group,but he is a complete and utter sweetheart. Especially to us girls. He treats Kaylie a little differently,though. He's extra sweet to her, and he'll argue with her over whatever she wants to argue about.

Sam is, however, the flirty one of our rag tag group of five. He's the jokester and will do anything for a laugh. He also annoys the heck out of all of us,but we put up with it. He's a great listener, as you can tell, and loves making people smile.  Sometimes he'll just make faces in the middle of whatever we're doing, and will keep making that same stupid gorgeous face until one of us says something or laughs.  He's the comedian. The all around good guy. At first when you meet him, he's shy. But once you get to know him and he gets used to you, a huge explosion or something happens and you get what he's normally like. A loud, funny, flirty, kind,annoying, all around hot mess. He's extremely attractive. Girl initiates also swoon over him.

Sam and I are still comfortable together. He's comfortable around all of us. He's really touchy. Not like, appropriately though!  Like, holding hands (in a friendly way) , messing/ playing with your hair, laying his head on your lap, putting an arm around your shoulders--- that kind of thing. Ew. Gross what did you think? 

We agree to do to Dauntless after I tell them what I need to tell them. We all finish up breakfast (Kaylie eventually grabbing all of Robbie's blueberries and stuffing them all in her mouth before he could protest and Robbie messing up her hair.) and then head out to the girl transfer dorms. I've decided to tell them here, instead of having to go all the way somewhere. When we get there, and make sure the other girls are gone, we all sit down on mine and Kaylie's beds.

Somehow, Sam ends up next to me on my bed and he lays his head on my shoulder. How am I supposed to focus like this?  Don't blush, Cassie. Don't blush. Chill. Will used to do this all the time. Why are you suddenly getting butterflies and having trouble breathing properly? Okay so maybe I have a little bit of a crush on Sam. 

I take a deep breath and close my eyes.  "You can do this." Sam whispers in my ear huskily. Thanks Sam. Like that's going to calm down my racing heart.

The Erudite [Divergent]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora