dating sam winchester would include

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-playing with his hair, and braiding it on occasion

- running your fingers through his hair to get him to calm down, or to fall asleep

- you're both as smart as each other

- significantly shorter them him, too

- but this means his shirts look like dresses on you

- you wear them all around the bunker though

- especially after sex o h g o d

- he adores the hell out of you

- he opens up to you about what happened with jessica

- you have to jump to even come close to kissing his lips

- he rests his arm on top of your head

- it annoys you

- but he thinks you're hot when you're angry

- you listen to his heartbeat to get to sleep

- you sleep on his chest

- because lets face it; hes huge and takes up most of the bed

- he tries to make you go jogging with him at 5am

- "no sammy, i eat healthy with you and that already is enough torture for me."

- you're like a little sister to dean

- hes just happy to see his little brother finally happy

- you rarely go on hunts, you help more with research

- but when you do you are number one priority

- "how's my future sister-in-law doing this fine evening?

- "i've been reading lore for over 17 hours. how do you think i'm doing, dean?"

- you give people a double bitchface

- but hes honestly the sweetest

- to you at least

- dean thinks its pathetic, honestly

- eventually getting out of the life together once a baby accidentally comes about

- you still live in the bunker though, of course

- with uncle dean

- dean adores his niece

- and sam finally gets the life he always wanted


a/n hi i love sam and that is all for tonight folks

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