Chapter 30: either me or you

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3:37 AM

Chresanto's P.O.V

The doctor told me about the whole blood lost thing. I wanna do it i do but Jacob's dad wont let me. What type of fucking parent is that ! Im trying to save his sons life and i may even take my own !

Mrs.Perez: come on Chresanto go and sleep

Me: not until his dad agree to let me give Jacob the blood

JDad: Nope i hope he's enjoying hell

Me: you know what Mrs Perez please sign this paper fuck whatever your ex husband is saying he can kiss my ass ! I want Jacob back just as much as you do and i'll do whatever i have to, to get him back ! Im the only one with his blood type... Please... I just want my baby back

Mrs.Perez:........ Ok

Me: really ?

Mrs.Perez: yes Chresanto

She smiled and so did i. I gave a hug and repeatedly told her thank you. I looked over at Jacob's dad and sighed at him.

Me: no matter how much you hate me you cant and WONT keep me away from your son. Your just going to have to accept me

JDad:...... I dont have to accept a damn thing. Watch your back because your going to need all the luck you can get

Me: is that a threat ?

JDad: just a warning

I chuckled. Parents never learn. Mrs.Perez signed the paper and i took it to the front desk were i was lead to a room.

Nurse: you know all the consequences of this right ?

Me: no ma'am

Nurse: you could possibly fall into a coma... You should you wanna do this

Me: yes im sure

She took out a needle and a bag hooking it up to a machine. Ok Jacob id rather you live than me live without you baby boy. She injected me with the needle and started drawing blood. It didnt hurt.. Not at all. After a while i felt weaker and weaker. I was getting more sleepy by the second. I kept closing my eyes but kept trying to stay awake.

Nurse: you ok ?

I nodded as she took the needle out. I blinked a couple of times trying to stay awake but i cant. Jacob im doing this for you. I fell back on the bed dozing off into a deep deep sleep. I appeared in the all white room. Did i die or something ?

??: Chres ?

Me: Jacob

I turned around to be face to face with Jacob. I ran up to him and gave him a huge hug.

Jacob: why are you here

Me: because i gave you my blood Jay and your gonna wake up

Jacob: what about you

Me: *sighing* im not waking up for a while Jacob

Jacob: w-what w-why would y-you take your own life to s-save me

Me: Dong cry baby boy. Id rather you live than me, and im not dieing im just gonna be here for a while.

I wiped the tear from his face as caressed my cheek. I dont wanna leave him but i'll do whatever it takes.

Jacob: promise you'll look after me

Me: i promise... What happened to you

He lifted up his shirt and there were scars of... Circles. My mind went back to that room with the chain and the nails. That was Jacob's task ?

Me: im so sorry Jacob

Jacob: dont be Chres it's not your fault

I looked at the big screen and saw the machines being took off of him.

Me: well looks like it time for you to go back

Jacob: i dont wanna go Chres

Me: Jacob please go

Jacob: NO

Me: JACOB GO ! Just live for me.. Im coming back ok

Jacob: but how am i gonna face my dad ? And Noah ? And August ? ALL OF THEM ALONE !

Me: dont let your guard down for no one ok. I wont be gone for long. Dont forget about me

Jacob: i wont

I wiped his remaining tears and gave him a kiss on the lips. Our lips moved in sync. I pulled away and pecked his lips one more time.

Me: be good for me baby boy i love you

Jacob: i will. I love you to Chressy

I smiled and kissed his cheek. He smiled back and he disappeared in front of me.

Jacob's P.O.V

I woke up breathing heavy while holding my chest. Look to my side and. Saw my mom sleep. Wheres my dad ? I threw a pillow at her causing her to wake up cursing in Spanish. I laughed and she looked at me and smiled rushing over and hugging me.

Mom: hijo your awake !

Me: yea thanks to Chresanto

My voice died down as i mentioned Chresanto. I wish he was here with me.

Mom: Chresanto saved you Jacob and he love you

Me: i know and i love him to

Mom: and he told your dad

Me: about us dating ?!

Mom: yes but you should have seen Chresanto he was saying how he better not give you no hard time when you wake up.. It was hilarious

Me: *chuckling* thats my baby

Mom: but your dad's not the happiest person right now.

Me: he cant keep me away from Chres

Mom: Chres is in a coma right now Jacob

Me: i know i wish he could be here with me

Mom: hun who did this

Me: i-idk i wish i knew. Its so many people to choose from i just never know

Mom: its ok Hijo we'll find out... I hope

I hope as well. I just wanna know who did this thats all. Not everyone is my friend.

TBCCCCCC 😁 another update... This book is FAR from being over 😂

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