Chapter Six

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Bryan's Pov
I was having a really hard time keeping my exhaustion at bay. It was my first time actually being allowed to come with everyone on a team.

I got to have my own little work station at the police station, and then again back at the hotel I also had my own little laptops everywhere still having the amazing work and helpful hands of Garcia back at the BAU. But it also seemed like I wasn't gonna be able to escape my deep love problems at the moment because it looks like the team finally noticed just how distant me and Spencer had been.

They noticed us not hanging out, or talking during the lunch breaks, and during coffee breaks. They noticed so badly that when we first arrived Hotch assigned rooms and just to my luck, me and Reid were sharing a room.

Hotch claimed it helps the budget save money, but while he said it he gave me a look, that only a father would give a son who has done wrong.

My shoulders snaked heavily down the outcome of the case finally shifting off all of our shoulders. Everyone wanted to go celebrate at the little bar they had found. But me and Reid just wanted to head back to the hotel room, doing our own things.

"Reid, can I see the key card?" I asked him waiting for him to come towards me. I shoved my hands into my leather jacket, my eyes shifting around.

"Give me a minute." He responded but it was slightly muffled because he was holding something between his lips, digging through his sling bag over his shoulders.

I kept both my eyes on him watching him before a slight urge shifted through me.

I carefully grabbed the letter from between his lips and slipped it into my pocket, grabbing Spencer by his arms leaning my head down, connecting my lips straight onto his soft ones, moving him gently pressing him into the room door.

He was a little shocked at first but slowly got over his shock sliding his hands up to cup at my face gently pulling me closer to him. Both of us stood there kissing and moving are lips with one another. 

After a few minutes of realizing so much how I missed the way, his lips felt against mine. Reid was a little taken back but rubbed his thumbs across my cheeks delicately.

"I just wanna know, what I did that made you hate me so much, hate me so much that you avoid me." He whispered looking at me with a lot of pain surging through his eyes.

"Hey," I whispered slowly cupping his cheeks instead, gazing at him more deeply, brushing my thumbs across his cheeks, delicately wiping away the stray tears he didn't even realize had fallen.

"I never in my entire life could hate you, it'd kill me honestly, and I didn't mean to avoid you either. I just needed some time with thoughts to figure out what I wanted exactly,"  I mumbled, making sure I wiped away all the tears that fell down his cheeks.

"Bryan I mean it when I say this." He whispered quietly, slowly gripping into my shirt a little, chewing harshly at his lower lip, shifting his eyes down for a moment.

"I-I wanna be with you, I know I do, the last months have been literal hell, and I know I wanna try with you, it's something I want, I'm willing to try for you." He whispered quickly leaning up brushing his lips across mine gazing up at me deeply.

I slowly held him closer to me taking in a deep breath. I wasn't use to those words from him, but they felt like pure music to my ears. "I wanna try with you to Spencer, really I do," I mumbled to him gazing down at him closely.

He leaned his head up to press his lips onto mine again and I slowly smiled gently kissing him a little deeper, moving my lips with his, pulling him even closer to me.

He slid his arms to rest on my neck, lightly playing with the small strands of my hair. I felt him smile against my lips a bit mumbling.

"I honestly could kiss you all day if I could."  He chuckled gently pecking my lips over and over. 

I smiled and carefully picked up Spencer hearing him letting the loudest squeaks out I ever heard, leave him, as he quickly held onto me.

I grabbed the key card from his bag, unlocking the door to the room shutting the door behind us, laying down on the bed,  placing Spencer on top of me.

"Well, it's a good thing I am yours now right," I told him gently, running my fingers across his lower back. Spencer slowly leaned up, leaning on his hand a bit gazing up at me slowly mumbling shyly while gazing up at me with a smile.

"I'm just happy I get to call you mine now, that's all that matters."

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