Chapter 9

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As soon as I heard that voice I hung up the phone and threw it across the room, there was no way he could've found my new number. I mean it just wasn't possible he wouldn't, he can't do that. I sat there for a second just catching my breath and soon got up to examine the damage on my phone.

Luckily for me, the universe decided that I had take enough crap and let my phone screen stay perfectly fine.

I walked down stairs and started to make myself some tea not caring if I woke anyone up. I heard footsteps start to shake the stairs. I silently started praying to whatever god I could reach at that moment that it wasn't mum I see light suddenly flood the room. I swivel on my heels towards the door frame to see a mop of curly hair. Ashton.

"What are you making tea for it is three thirty in the morning."

"He called me." Ashton's hand swept the hair out of his eyes and I could see the evident shock in them.

"HOW THE HELL IS THAT POSSIBLE." he whisper-yelled knowing we would both be ten feet under if we woke mom up. I simply shrugged my shoulders because I really didn't have the slightest idea of how he did manage to call me.

"Get me a mug too please." I took a mug out of the cupboard and started to pour the tea into a cup for him. I yawned and took a sip of my tea. We sat there in silence for a little bit. The quiet was really comforting know that I didn't have to say anything to make conversation.

"Well I think it's time for us to head to bed, after all we do have school tomorrow." I nodded and dumped the rest of the boiled water down the sink and rinsed my cup out.


The next day was a dragged on 'til the end of time. Ever since last night days have been longer, time is slowing down.

And it's not on my side, Calum And Luke both tried to talk to me but I keep on pushing them away.

They can't know.

They can't know that I'm terrified of falling asleep because he could be in the shadows. They can't know that I feel like he's constantly watching me.

They can't know how scared I am.

They can't know because they would judge me. They can't know.

I walk into the bathroom and look into the mirror to shock myself to what my view perceives, a shell staring back at me, the shell of a girl who used to be beyond happy. I can barely even remember the last time I smiled, as in a genuine smile.

That's it I couldn't take all this at one time without knowing the why's and how's Its been a long time but I need to take some weight off my shoulders and blow off some steam with my two best friends that are back in town friends Cig & lighter.

I take a pack out of my drawer and put a warm sweatshirt on. Then I head to the door, grabbing my keys and dash from the house. I pulled out the Impala and just drove, where to? Not sure. All I know is to keep my foot on the gas and my cig in my hand and slowly blow the memories and pressure away.

Ashton doesn't like it when I smoke and I try not to but It's one of those things that I can't help but need.

I drove around until I smoked 'til the last one went out but yet I still needed more. These little death do­ers splurge my mind away.

I drove to a local mini­Mart and saw a familiar car parked out front, with each step I take I can hear the scrapings of my slippers rub against concrete.


the slidings doors opened as if when I stepped on the carpet they magically opened. At least that's what I thought when I was younger.

The air pushing forward as if I'm walking down a runway but yet in reality my hair just gets tangled everywhere, a bunch goes in my mouth, and covers my eyes so I end up spazzing out and swallowing hair which causes me to slowly gag.

The clerk was behind the counter sleeping while all that happened anyways since it's around 4 AM now.

I still have a lot of thinking and driving to do but was cut short when my pack died.

I grab a pack of Marlboro and just put the money on the counter pointing to the rest of the packs just to let him now.

He seemed like a scary fella rocking a mullet with a John Deere hat and a blonde mustache while wearing a dirty flannel while he passed out.

I walk out until I here someone clear their throat. And I know exactly who it was, my feet Jilt to a stop.

I just started walking and hit the pack in my pocket.

I hear footsteps behind me catching up

"Renee come here" he spoke

I walk faster to my car ignoring him.



"Well it looks like you haven't changed" he pointed out

with my Marbolo peaking out of my pocket.

"Matthew I'm done with you." I spat out

"You couldn't be even if you tried" He said with a grin

I continued walking away and got in the car, I though he'd get the hint and leave already but nope he did the same thing and got in the car.

"What are you-"

I was silenced with a slobbery disgusting kiss that I pulled back on.

I didn't say anything I walked out of the car and back into the mini mart and bought an item.

I walked back out to the car to see him leaning against it and pulled out the mouth wash that I just bought and rinsed it and spat it at him. Hoping he understands the point.

He just stood there red faced, firecracker red, nose flared and smoke coming out of his ears.

That's when he moved from the car and I hopped in and turned the car on and the V8 engine on my baby is a monster which caused Matt to flinch.

I just drove out of the parking lot and drove around just so if he was following me he would loose my trail.

It was around 4:35 I got home and but my baby in the garage since it might be a distinctive car and went straight to bed.

It's been a while since I've updated and I'm sorry for that but I did actually update and it wasn't actually a filler this time.

Oh and my best friend Anna helped me out with this chapter and she helped me write it and you should check out her story called 'You+Her' it's really good her username is Annasdfjkl.

Thanks for reading don't forget comment and vote because it means a lot to me and I love reading your comments because

Theaxiomatic's comments give me life ILY❤️

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