Every time he closes his eyes, he would remember her eyes. Those vibrant [e/c] eyes that constantly interrupted his sleep, causing a sense of yearning he did not understand. Jotaro sighs again as he shuts off the running water.

It was about time he got ready for that banquet.

Jotaro looked himself over in the mirror as he rolled up his sleeves. He was dressed in a black form-fitting suit and tie with a gold Rolex on his left wrist, an outfit he felt rather stuffy in. He grabbed the jacket and slung it over his shoulders, allowing it to sit there instead of putting it on.

Opening the door to his room, he was greeted to the sight of various people adorned in clothing that screamed out that they were well off.

They wouldn't be here anyway if they weren't.

He snorts at the thought before shutting the door behind him. He heads down the hallway, passing by various circular windows that showed the raging waters outside. His grandfather and other members of the Taylor Foundation decided to host a little business cruise to create a 'better bond' with other foundations. It was a bunch of bull to him, but he had to be here, even when he didn't want to.

The loud chatter of people and music slowly brings him out of his musings as he finds himself in the shop area. People of various foundations bustled around the place, chatting up a storm as they made their way around the large ship. He ignored them with ease as he continued on his trek to the dining hall.

Once he makes it to the dining hall numerous pairs of eyes fall on him. This happens every time he walks into the room when his grandfather's associates are present. He ignores them as he turns to the attention of someone calling his name.

At the sight of his grandfather, Jotaro feels his body automatically stiffen, his stance becoming rigid.

"Jotaro," Gen says with a smile, "I'm glad to see you showed up."

"Didn't plan on missing it." He replies.

Gen is pleased with his answer as he turns around to say, "Come along now, I have some people I'd like for you to meet."

Jotaro followed in step behind his grandfather, his expression neutral as he refrained himself from frowning.

He truly didn't want to be here at all.

Jotaro finds himself standing outside on the balcony of the dining hall. Thankfully a roof was placed overhead, blocking the onslaught of rain. The doors to the dining hall were left partially open, allowing the gentle music to flow outside.

He leans against the ledge, staring off at the dark and stormy water. He desperately needed a smoke, but the old man forbade him to even bring a pack with him.

"Damn that, old man," he thinks with a scowl.

He had finally managed to escape from the suffocating conversations his grandfather forced him in. He had no choice, but to speak with them since Gen watched him like a hawk.

He hated every bit of it.

Every time he has to speak with them he'd see a strange form of curiosity in their eyes. The way they looked and watched his every move confused him. Their expressions made him feel as if he was some unique creature walking amongst them.

Jotaro didn't understand it, but he wouldn't lie to himself that he believed he actually belonged here. He sighs as he finds his thoughts slowly drifting back to his constant dream. His green eyes glaze over as he loses himself in his thoughts, unaware of familiar [e/c] eyes watching him from afar. 

Jotaro | EmbraceWhere stories live. Discover now