[ Five ]

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"Sarah, really, I'm okay," Newt tells the fledgling as they walk into school.

Sarah, on the one hand, wasn't believing a word the young wizard was saying, "You don't look okay."

The two walk further into the building and are instantly stopped by Jesse and Erica, who is looking entirely different than the last time the two had seen her. "Sarah, what's wrong? You're looking a little underfed."

"What happened to you?" Sarah asks her best friend, a sad look on her face.

It didn't take Erica long to respond with, "You know, like, the best thing ever. It's not too late. Join us. Both of you. And then we can be best friends forever."

"Never. You're making the biggest mistake of your life, well, what's left of it." Sarah fires back while Newt stands there, staring at Jesse the whole time. Almost like they were in some trance.

"Isn't that cute. I think she still has a thing for you." Erica says as she turns and snakily wraps one of her arms around Jesse's back.

Sarah makes a stabbing motion with her fist, "I've got something for both of you, and it's made of wood and really sharp."

Jesse laughs, causing the trance to break, and Newt just stared wide eyes as Jesse kisses Erica after saying, "Sarah, you've been replaced."

"Oh! You're still coming to the Dusk premiere, though, right? BFF." Erica asks innocently like she didn't do anything wrong.

Newt was filled with so much anger, but intern, he just let it go. If he did, he'd be playing right into it, and that was something he didn't want to. So Sarah began to walk away, hurt written all over her face. Newt just stayed there staring right at Jesse until his feet started to move him closer. "Fine Jesse," he thought, "you want a reaction. Then you'll get one."

Grabbing the vampire by the shirt, he pulls Jesse closer to him and moves his face closer to his causing the vampire to freeze. In a low, soft voice, he asks, "Am I replaceable?"

Then he moved away quickly and caught up with Sarah. The two walked away from vampires and found themselves meeting up with Ethan and Benny, who are sitting on the ground by their lockers with a laptop on their legs. Sarah squats down next to Ethan, while Newt squats down next to Benny, "Hey, what did we miss?"

"The absolute worst news.." Benny complains as he takes out his earbud.

Ethan takes his earbud out and shuts his computer lid, "We have to go see Dusk III."

Newt lets out a small groan as he put all the pieces together. He didn't want to go, but he knew that he was going to have to. Jesse needed to be stopped, and they were the only ones who possibly could.

So after training and getting everything ready, Newt found himself walking over to Benny's so they could walk over together. They made small talk on the way over, like about the fight tonight and the small niffler that was perched on his shoulder. "So, how did you come across him?"

"Well, I found his egg abandoned in an alleyway outside of Chimneys', it's an old wand store." Newt finishes telling him the small snippet of the story. He didn't want to bore Benny with the whole story.

Benny reaches out and starts to pet the niffler on his shoulder. It makes a small squealing/purring noise. "She's adorable."

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