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Muggle School.

The one place where Newt Goldstein didn't really want to be. He didn't mind all the people around him it's just they didn't really like him. He was nice to everyone and most people hated that. The only way he survived middle school was with his friends help, Benny and Ethan.

The school bell rings and signaling they only have five minutes left until school starts and he meets up with said friends. "A babysitter? For you? Classic!"

"You're getting a babysitter?" Newt asks not meaning to be so loud when he does earning a few good hits on the shoulder from Ethan.

"Shh! Keep it down, man. This kind of info could totally ruin a guy's rep. And it's not for me; It's for Jane." Ethan tells the two as they walk toward Ethan and Benny's locker. Just by looking at the boy's expression on his face, Ethan was embarrassed.

As they walk down the hall Benny says, trying to get Ethan to look on the bright side of this supposed situation, "Well, on the positive side, one of these primo high school babes could totally be at your house tonight. Hey, hot stuff."

Letting out a small scoff, Newt rolls his eyes and then slaps Benny, "Dude!"

"What?" Benny asks as if he had done nothing wrong. Ethan and Newt just glare at him.

Getting to the boys' lockers Ethan explains, "All I know is her name is Erica and she goes to this school. With any luck, I can talk my parents out of it by tonight."

"Principal Hicks, let me give you a hand." A voice says from behind them grabbing all of their attention. The strange group of boys helping their Principal rubbed Newt the wrong way. He gave off dark energy, one that couldn't be dismissed or washed away.

"Oh, thank you, Jesse. Much better." So now the strange boy had a name. Jesse. But that face, he could've sworn he's seen it from somewhere.

"Anything for our fearless leader. Do you mind?" Jesse asks as he stares into Principal Hicks eyes and takes the coffee cup from his hands and takes a sip of it. "Ah, French roast."

Then the strangest thing begins to happen, Principal Hicks begins to copy what this strange Jesse character says, "French Roast."

"Good choice." Jesse says as he hands the older man his coffee cup back and just like before Hicks copies him, "Good Choice."

Then as soon as Jesse came, he was gone. Leaving Principal Hicks and the three boys watching in a state of confusion. Once his brain processes what happened Principal Hicks looks at the three boys and chucks before he walks back to his office, "Boys in the drama club, always making a scene."

Newt shakes his head and quickly dismisses the thought that pops into his head. Turning away from the boys he says, "See ya guys at lunch, save me a spot."

The two boys nod and Newt begins to walk towards his first class of the day not realizing he was being watched by head drama boy.


At lunch he manages to get something decent and makes his way over to Ethan, Benny, and Rory. "Hey Newt so glad you could join us!"

Magical...Benny Weir حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن