[ Two ]

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Newt found himself in his last class of the day, sitting next to Rory as he tapped his foot like crazy. Only two minutes left until he could meet his mystery person.

"Woah dude what's your hurry?" Rory asks as the bell rings and he flings himself up from the desk.

Stopping in his tracks he turns and looks at Rory before answering, "Sorry, I just wanna get home. I've got some Oreos that are calling my name."

Rory shrugs his shoulders and Newt takes off running out of the class room and finds himself standing beside the shop. His hands nervously twitched together. He felt like he was going to explode if he had to wait any longer. His ears pick up a weird rushing noise and he turns around to find himself face to face with the head of the drama department, Jesse.

"Is this your note?" Newt politely asks, showing him the note with horrible handwriting.

Jesse takes a step closer towards him only causing the younger boy to step back, "Yes it is. I'm very surprised you came."

"To say the least I was very intrigued." Newt replies taking another step back to but some distance between the two. The older boy was giving off some major creepy vibes. "Why did you ask me to meet you here?"

"You see," He says stepping closer, corning the poor young wizard up against the front of the shops dumpster, "I know what you are. I could smell it from the moment you walked in the building."

Putting a hand on the dumpster trapping the boy in he begins to say, "You look so much him..."

Before Newt could do anything the older boy, Jesse began to press his lips to his. But that wasn't the craziest thing, the craziest thing was that Newt wasn't pushing him away and slapping. He actually gave into the feeling that started to build inside him and kissed him back. He didn't know what it was but something inside him wanted this. Like it needed it, almost as when fire needs the air to survive.

As their kiss turned into something more heated, Jesse bit into Newts' lip causing it bleed. Jesse pushed himself away from Newt fangs extended and eyes glowing. He wanted Newts' blood, it was the most delicious thing he'd ever tasted. He'd almost forgotten how good it tasted. Newt stood there shocked. It all made sense. He's used his mind control on the Principle earlier and that's why he got the strange dark vibe from him. He couldn't believe he had just made out with a vamp. If Charlie were here she'd kick his butt to the curb. They'd learned in school that vamps were supposed to be bad.

"I'm have to go." And in a flash he was gone. He didn't know exactly where he had went but when he went to the front of the school to meet up with Benny and Ethan he found him talking to Sarah. It looked like they were in a fight.

Benny was on his phone with a juice box in his mouth, "Hey, check it out: Looks like they found the rest of that missing senior."

"The rest?" Ethan and Newt ask in unison as Ethan continues to stare at Jesse and Sarah while Newt tries to get a look at Benny's phone.

"Yeah, says here he was all shriveled up. You know, kind of like this juice box." Benny says and then demonstrates by squeezing his juice box in Ethan's face, "I am so sorry. I didn'tâ-."

"Dude!" Ethan tells as he begins to wipe the apple juice from his face.

Benny looks to the scene unfolding in front of him and and sees Sarah leaning up against a tree and Jesse has his hand on it, "Oh, bummer. Looks like she's already hooked up with Mr. Too-Cool-For-School."

Magical...Benny Weir Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin