Mothra's pov

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I grabbed my lunch which was a tomato stew. I sat down. Godzilla came over with a huge fish and sat. He ripped a chunk of the fish and ate it. He swallowed. "Mothra. Why is Ghidorah like that to you?" I sighed. "He tries to get my attention. He has a crush on me. I don't really like him back due to him being so rude. No one should be bullied." Godzilla nodded slowly. ''I feel bad one of the titans get bullied. I'd stand up for them but when I do, the threaten me. Not that I'm scared, but it makes me angered to see such cowards." Godzilla squeezed his drink tighter. He started to shake in anger. "If only everyone would know to respect each other. " I nodded as well. "When I was young I was bullied by other titans and they would pull my wings. But my brother, Battra, always stood up for me. Even when that meant getting beat up. He'd still protect me. I'm so grateful to have a brother like him. " Godzilla sighed. "You're lucky you have a sibling. I don't have any siblings at all. That means I have to stand up for myself. Even when I was young. "
My wings drooped. "I'm so sorry you went through this Goji-" I stopped. Godzilla looked at me. "I'm sorry!" I said embarrassed. Godzilla smiled. "It's fine. I actually like that nickname."
I smiled. "Really?" I stopped to see Godzilla was holding my hand. And I was holding his. We blushed at each other. As the bell rang we went off.

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