How do I stop comparing myself to others?

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This is a tough one.

Comparison is something a lot of us struggle with.

In our society, it is hard not to feel insecure with so many seemingly "perfect" celebrities and people out there.

The best thing you can do is try to FOCUS on yourself.

Focus on the good things about you, instead of the flaws.

Instead of constantly reminding yourself of what you don't have and what you aren't, focus on what you do have and the good things about who you are.

A few tips on how:

1. Unfollow people on social that make you feel insecure in your own skin.

Constant reminders on social media of why other people have the perfect life as opposed to yours are bound to make you feel very happy.

If you don't want to unfollow the person or people causing you to feel this way, then at least try to change the app settings, so you don't see their posts frequently.

If this isn't an option on that particular app, I recommend using the app sparingly.

Sometimes, it's best to stay off most social media all together until your confidence improves.

I just stay away from most of it all together.

2. Discover YOU

Find out what YOUR gifts, talents, strengths, and skills are.

Make a list of them and delve into them deeper.

Find out what your personality type is with things like MBTI and Ennegram.

Look into your beliefs, your passions, and what causes you are dedicated to.

The goal is to learn as much about YOURSELF as possible.

The more you know and understand yourself the easier it is to start being your best you!

3. Realize that no one is perfect

No matter how perfect someone may SEEM, there is always a BEHIND the scenes.

Keep that in mind.

Everyone has struggles, insecurities and flaws, even the people you wish so badly to be.

4. Realize there is only one you

You may not believe it, but you're irreplaceable.

You are the ONLY one of you.

So, you might as well embrace it, and be the best version of who YOU are, than try to be a copy of anyone else.

5. Make a list of awesome things about yourself

Write or type a list of all the good qualities, positive traits, and even your favorite physical attributes about yourself.

If you can't find any good things to put down about yourself, have someone that knows you well (and treats you well) help you out.

Put the list up somewhere, maybe in the corner of your bathroom or bedroom mirror, so you can be reminded of it often.

6. Stop feeling like you have to compete with anyone

Whenever you start falling into the comparison trap, remember this quote:

"You don't have to be pretty like her; you can be pretty like YOU."

And you can replace the word pretty with anything you want.

You can be talented like YOU.

You can be strong like YOU.

You can be ADMIRABLE like you.

It isn't putting the other person down; it's just recognizing someone else's greatness doesn't make you any less great at all.

Life isn't a race or a competition.

We can all win in our own way. (:

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~The founder 🌟🌟🌟

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