
272 19 6

December 20th, 2000

New Jersey

Devante's house

Devante's house

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Justine Skye

5 more days till Christmas, the twins 1st Christmas that is we had everyone over the house. Aaliyah was finally back from filming she was done for a while I even asked her family to come over since they are apart of the family now. Aaliyah didn't let them go and they didn't let her go and it was also with Static its like they know they both there godmother and godfather.

"Next month I'm going to LA to look at some motorcycles and I want you to come and check them out with me." Aaliyah said.

"Of course I would since you got your license and all I want you to give me some lessons on how to." I said with a smile.

"Gotta bring my babies along with me." I added.

I was looking at my twins and Devante as I was in awe on how they were interacting with there daddy I was weak in the knees.

"You look so happy Justine and I can't get enough of it." Aaliyah told me as I smiled.

"You look really happy too you glowing, are you pregnant?" I questioned.

"Heavens no! Just in a happy place right now in my relationship that's all. I do have kids but not now though, plus I already got 2 godchildren and Damon son so I am good for now." Aaliyah said.

"I'm glad that you and Damon are in a good place right now." I said as she blushed.

Devante came up to me and peck my lips as he gave me Dana.

"Gotta go change Ellis Diaper, Dana is good for right now." Devante told me.

"Alright baby." I said pecking his lips once more.

I took Dana from him as I held her in my arms.

I took Dana from him as I held her in my arms

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