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Chapter 8

The room was dark. There was rough breathing. I lay on the bed with Jay on top of me, pushing himself in and out of me.

"Come on, come on," he strains out as his one hand grips my hip while the other squeezes my breast.

"Harder, Jay, harder!" I moan, along with his grunts.

It was the first night of the day I ran away from home. Krystal had told me to call up Jay and tell him to come meet me. The sad part was that even that night Jay wanted nothing to do with talking and just wanted sex. At the moment, he was the only one I felt close to, so I let him do what he wanted. We could always talk later...

The motel bed creaked as Jay shifted, moving me on top of him.

"Sit on my dick, baby," he breathes out.

I position myself on top of him and slowly slide him inside of me, groaning. I feel him fill me, all the way till the end. I moan, clawing my nails into his chest.

"Fuck!" he shouts, gripping my hips.

I liked the way he felt inside of me, only if he was big enough to pleasure me. I slowly start moving up and down, until he pulls me to his chest and slides in and out faster.

I wasn't satisfied as we lay on the bed, side by side, like always. He always came, and always forgot me.

"Jassi?" Jay breathes out.


"I was thinking that maybe we should stop."

My eyebrows pull together in confusion of his statement. "Stop what?"

"Stop this; us being together. Whenever we meet all we do is have sex. We never talk, I know nothing about you!"

I sit up, and face him, angry. "That's because you don't wana talk or even listen for that matter. All YOU want is sex! I left my home, seeing at least I have you. But no, you still use me for sex. YOU didn't even wana talk!" at this point I was yelling and stabbing his chest with my finger. "You wana satisfy yourself, always. It's okay if you cum, but you can't even make me cum, Jay! The reason I called you today was to talk, not have sex! But all you wana do is fuck me, Jay!"


He slapped me!

"You're fucking lucky I even did fuck you!" he shouts, all up in my face. "Face it!" he scoffs. "Who'd want to fuck a fat, ugly, cow like you? I don't even know who'd fuck you in the first place!" he spits on my face, stands up, pulls on his clothes and leaves me, sitting there like a whore who just got fucked.

'That's what you get,' I hear my dad's voice, 'Told you, no one would want an ugly piece of shit like you!'

Jassi's eyes shoot open, bringing her to reality. She looks to her right and see Gabe on his back, arm over his eyes, sleeping away. She quietly sits up, shifting to the end of the bed and walking out.

Jassi slowly walks until she comes face to face with Daniel's bedroom door. She knocks, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"What?" Daniel groans, drowsily as she opens the door.

"Danny?" Jassi whispers, hoarsely.

Daniel's eyes snap open at the sound of Jassi's voice. "Jassi? Honey, what's wrong?"

She let's Jassi in.

"Remember when you asked me why my folks were getting me married?" Jassi asks, sitting down on the bed.

"Yeah..." Daniel whispers, sitting down next to her and putting her hand on Jassi's shoulder.

Jassi fidgets with her hands. "Well..."

Claiming Their MateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin