Claiming Their Mate REWRITE!

Start from the beginning

"He accepted me," I whisper, closing my eyes and thinking about him.

Jay. His skin was a soft, Carmel color. He had the most beautiful hazel-green eyes. He was a few inches taller than me so I always had to lift my head up. I remember running my hands down his broad shoulders, down his wide chest, up to his muscular chest. He took everything of mine. My virginity, my first kiss, and my first lust. The only thing he never took was my first love. That, now, was for my mates only. I remember how his hugs used to assure me that everything was going to be okay. That someone actually loved me and actually thought I was beautiful.

"He always listened to me. He told me he loved me even though I knew I didn't love him back. He liked me even through my fatness and my ugliness. He accepted me for me, daddy."


"That's it, bitch! You're getting married tomorrow!"

That night I don't sleep. Instead, I quietly pack my bags as everyone slept. Making sure not to make much noise, I gently open the door of my room, peeking out in the hallway, making sure the coast was clear. Once assured, I ease my bag out the door, carry it down the stairs, glancing over my shoulder once or twice before reaching the front door. I pat the back of my pocket making sure I had my bank card.

A few months back mom and dad had opened a joint back account under my name placing themselves as the primary. Seeing that I had just started working my first job at McDonalds, it was their way of saving my money. Who'd known it would come in handy today. I just must get the money out before they find out I am gone.

Softly, I open the front door, walk out and close it every so silently behind me. I text the girls, Krissy and Krystal to meet me at the corner of the street. Krissy and Krystal were my human friends from school. My only friends. We didn't interact with many wolves besides the ones in our family. I don't think there were any in Atlantic City.

As soon as they pulled up, I quickly get into the car, shutting the door behind me.

"So what's the plan?" Krystal asks.

"We need to get to an atm. I need to withdraw the $900 before they do." I knew as soon as the words came out my mouth, I was going to regret them. Maybe I am not too grown for this, I thought. I shook my head and let it go.

Even though my bank account was under my mom's as a joint account, I was still able to take my nine hundred dollars out considering I was already eighteen. It wasn't like I was stealing from my parents. This money was my hard earned money when I worked at McDonald's. And even though I loved my parents too much to ever hurt them, I knew I had to do this. I needed my freedom and I couldn't live under their conditions any more.

We pull up to the drive-thru atm. I roll down my window and withdraw the $900. I finish up and roll back up my window.

"I think it be better if you put that money away safe." Krissy says, coming to a stop at a red light.

"Oh, um, yeah you're right." I hesitated. I didn't know where to put it. My backs were filled with clothes and books. Obviously I still planned on completing school, but something told me that wasn't going to happen.

"I think-" Krissy continues. "you should let me hold it. This way it'll be secure and I'll have it whenever you need it."

Again my innocence kicks in. Without a second thought I quickly respond, "That sounds good!" I hand over the money, keeping a couple dollars for myself.

We continue to drive to her house, or I think it was. It was starting to get dark. Within a few minutes we pull up to her house, deep in the woods, dead middle of no where. I notice a few chickens in the yard and spot a couple cats running past. We walk down the walkway, up the two steps, and into the house. It's a trailer home, cluttered. It was the first time I was in a strangers house. My family didn't let me out much, so I automatically felt uncomfortable. I rest my things on the carpeted floor.

"You can sleep on the couch. There's a blanket." Krissy states, walking away. There is a man in the house, sitting on the dining room chair. I assume that is her husband. Within minutes, the room is clear, lights shut off, and the house...silent. The only noise, the rumbling of my stomach. I'm starving! Talking a deep breath, I lay down on the scratchy sofa, closing my eyes.

"Jassi! Wake up!" I feel someone shaking my shoulder. I open my eyes, almost forgetting where I was. Krissy looking down at me with a weird expression.

"Wha-what's wrong?" I ask, rubbing my eyes rid of the lack of sleep. "Everything ok?"

"No, you gotta go." I wasn't ready for the words that came out of her mouth.

"What? Why?"

"Your people- they're crazy. You need to bounce. Ya'll attracting to much attention here." She grabs my arm and pulls me off the sofa.

I didn't know what to say. I start to gather my stuff. I know what she is talking about. I feel my family getting closer, gaining up on us. I smell them. We quickly get in the car. I see krystal give me a look of pity as I sit in the back seat; she doesn't.

"You're not coming?" I ask her.

She shakes her head no.

Before I could ask her why, Krissy takes off. Something isn't right.

"Hey Krissy, mind giving me the money. I am going to need it."

She takes a sharp right, making all the bags tilt. She scoffs. "What money?"

"The money I gave you last night," I respond, slowly, thinking she probably forgot.

"Pshh, you owe me, you forgot? I had to feed you, let you sleep in my house, gas, and the inconvenience."

"I don't owe you nothing Krissy. I am gona ask you one more time, give me my money!"

She parks the car to a sudden stop. Looking through the rearview mirror at me, she tells me, "Get out!"

"Not until you fucking give me my money! You knew what you were getting into... did you really just use me? for the fucking money? I thought we were friends!"

She abruptly turns around in her seat facing me.

The wolf in me growls. I feel my eyes change color as I feel her change me. By the looks of Krissy face and the apparent fear draining the color of her skin, so did she and starts to lean back. I don't have much control over my wolf seeing we always had to blend in with the humans we didn't change much. So it didn't help when my hands rudely wrap around Krissy throat, demanding her for respect, not understanding that this girl is merely a human.

"Fucking-do-what-I-say-Bitch!" I hear myself breathe out. I feel the shape of her neckbone compliment under my fingers. My wolf wants the pleasure of hearing them crack and feel it inside my fist. But I don't want to kill. Not that I am scared-no. I wasn't much of the being to kill someone and live with it. No, but I wasn't going to let this bitch away either. Within a split second, the wolf takes control.

I tighten my fingers harder around her neck. "Don't you know who the leader is? Must I show you things in the hard way?"

I feel the blood circulation slow down...every drop of blood clog up between my fingers. Her face starts to show blue as she gasps for air. She jerks her body as she attempts to loosen my grip around her neck. "Ok-" she breathes out, "take-it; take-it!"

"Thought so, bitch!" I release my hold around her neck and snatch my money she grabs from her pocket. I start walking towards her car, "And I'm taking your car, for the inconvenience, of course."

"Take it, just get the fuck away from me!"

I chuckle, getting in the car, start it, and drive away.

Werestown... Here I COME!

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