his wingmaiden

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my name is Laken. I've been a wingmaiden for as long as I can remember. my mother is Nadia, a beautiful woman who is diplomatic and serious. today, I become an official wingmaiden warrior. Atali has said she's having some guests over for the celebration. the dragon riders. I've only ever had sneaking glances at them, and they seem incredible. the leader, hiccup, rides a night fury! id love to be able to ride dragons as they do. but mother won't let me leave the island, says its too dangerous. il meet them today. 

I stepped out of my hut and stretched, the morning sun blaring in my eyes. I pushed my little spectacles up my nose. its something I invented. I can't see very well, and I found that if I fed a gronkle the right rocks, then shaped and bent the "glass" as I call it the right way, it can improve my sight. I smiled as Minden waved to me. she's my best friend, and the girlfriend of a dragon rider called snotlout. "hey lake. you excited for tonight?" 

"obviously! not only do I get crowned today, but I get to meet the dragon riders! what an honor! what are they like?" 

"well, Snotlout can be a bit power hungry at times, but he's sincere and kind. Fishlegs is diplomatic and gently. Astrid's a warrior, she's strong. the twins are... let's just say they have an affinity for Loki. and then there's Hiccup. Hiccup is honestly a great guy. he is surprisingly strong, and quick-witted, and would give anything for his friends. his night fury, toothless, is his best friend. they have a bond that not even we wingmaidens can achieve with our razorwhips. "

"woah, girl. if I didnt know better, id thinks hiccup was your boyfriend, not snotlout" I laughed, placing a hand on either of her shoulders. 

"not at all! I love snotlout! I just think that you are going to adore hiccup!" 

"yeah yeah. whatever Mindy"

"come on. let's go get breakfast and prepare for their arrival"

"when are they coming?"

"some time mid-day. hiccup wanted to meet you personally before the ceremony"

 I nodded and together we walked to the food hall. 

*time skip*

the sun had reached its peak, meaning the dragon riders would be here soon. gah, I'm so excited! I brushed out my long hair with my trusty comb, before doing it in a simple side braid (like heathers). I interweaved lots of flowers on it. even like this, the braid still reaches the bottom of my butt. it's really long, which is unusual as wingmaidens keep it short so it doesn't get in the baby razorwhips way. I guess il just always keep it tied up. 

doubts began to creep in. is this what I truly want? I never had been as devoted to the cause as the other wingmaidens. the razorwhips aren't endangered anymore. so why do we need to keep it up? I respect all that they do, but I'm unsure. but if I'm not a wingmaiden, then who am I? maybe il talk to Fishlegs. Minden told me he's diplomatic, just like mother. so maybe he can advise me on what to do? mother cant find out. she would go crazy. she used to hit me if I so much as asked to leave the island, even if only for a few hours. 

the flapping of wings told me that they had arrived. I took a deep breath and checked myself in the mirror one last time. I was wearing a long dress that went to my ankles. I had a tight belt that had a little pouch on the side to hold my notebook and charcoal. I like to document everything. the dress was a deep maroon and had roses twirling about the arms. my razorwhip tattoo adorned my wrist. I had gotten it at mothers request. I took another deep breath. " I can do this "

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