Ticci toby x witch reader part one

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This is a fluff!! Might turn into a lemon ;)


I was walking home from school, the cool fall air blew my hair out of my eyes and sent chills down my body. I hung onto the straps of my back pack as I neared the path to my house. I walked through the forest everyday, even if it did take me longer than the normal way. There was a secret about me I never told anyone, I practiced Wicca. It was something people would judge me for, be creeped out by. It was something that was personal to me and no one but my youngest sibling knew about.

The leaves crunched under my feet as I walked down the path, stuffing my hands into my (f/c) jacket and keeping my head down. Most people would be freaked out by the forest, but me, I loved it. I loved how tall the trees where and the smell of wet grass. I loved the birds that would fly freely above me. I liked the peace.

As I was walking nearing the middle of the path I heard a sound behind me


I turned around thinking it maybe a jogger or someone walking in the forest as well but something in me knew that wasn't the case.

This forest is supposed to be cursed, that's why no one dared walk its twisted paths. My town was a huge Wicca and witchcraft breading ground back in the day and some of us still practice it. Although, I have never encountered one.

"Who's there."

I say standing my ground. My hands reached around into the pocket of my jeans as I pulled out my pocket knife and slid it into the sleeve of my jacket.

No one answered.

"I won't ask again. ostende te!" ( show yourself)

I yelled, my free hand dragging the air across my finger tips as I drew a symbol in the air. The sound of a loud grunt followed by a thump filled my ears. There in front of me was a boy. Around my age I'd say, he wore orange goggles with a mouth guard slightly tipped to the left after his fall. He was wearing a stripped sweater from what I could see and had two weapons on either side of his hips. He pulled himself off the ground. He ticked. I noticed. Small little ticks and sounds of bones cracking came from him, I could sense he was angry.

"What's your name."

I say, my hand still in front of me as I use it to keep him down. He just looks at me in awe.

"Yo-oU... "

His voice cracked.

"Ha-ve p-powers?"

He finished. I nodded smirking to myself as finally I was able to use my practices abilities.

"I won't ask again, what's your name stalker"

The man narrowed his eyes in anger as his words got caught in his throat.


He finally spit out.

"Great! Now we are on first name basis. My name is (y/n). Now, why are you following me? Shouldn't you be chopping wood?"

I said sarcastically addressing his hatchets. He growled again and tried to get up but my power kept him to the ground.

"You seem hurt inside"

He said without stuttering, it shocked me.

"I-I "

I tried to spit out but I felt myself growing weak. I let my arm fall to my side as I watched him get up and slowly walk over to me. Knowing he wouldn't attack as he seemed to be scared of me, I let him walk closer.

"I can f-fix t-hat "

He stated. I just laughed and folded my arms, trying not to show him that I was weak.

"Y-you c-could be... "

He paused.

"U-useful "

He finished. I cocked an eyebrow and began to say something but a loud scream interrupted me.


It was a distant low voice, Toby stiffened at the sound. He sighed and pulled out a pen that was in his back pocket. He then grabbed my hand, I pulled away but he tightened the grip on my wrist dragging me closer to him.

"Me-et me h-ere. "

And with that he took off. I looked down at my wrist, a date time and place was written on it.

October 27,
The edge of the forest

I sighed and shoved my hand back in my pocket. Angry that I had waisted all my energy on this stupid stalker I began to walk home.

I wondered if I would actually meet this guy, or maybe I should stand him up.

Yeah serves him right for stalking me.

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