Chapter One-On Skid Road.

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"Turn your head to the side." My photographer said. I did as instructed. I did as told and he took the picture. (Picture on the side.. or above) "Fabulous." He said in the 'I'm going to make fun of homosexuals' voice. "I'll slap you in the face.." I hiss, he's always trying to act 'friendly' with me. Doesn't he not know I hate people? "Dude, I'm just trying to-" "Make fun of me because I have an attraction to guys?" I sent a hateful glare towards him. He backed off, looking pissed. I nod, happy with what i had said to him. "Timmy, come here." My boss called my photographer's name. I look at him as he walks away, I sit on the floor waiting for him to return.

"Jeremy!" Timmy called out. I stand up and look at him, as if I was a soldier. "Go talk to the boss." Timmy said. I gave him a unsettling glare and turn away from him.

I walked into my bosses office, I sat down and looked around the room, as my boss walked in. I look warmly at him, and turn back to the front of me. My boss set down, and looked directly at me with a sad glare. "Your okay?" I asked. "Jeremy, your fired."

"WHAT?! Nononono! Wait sir' what did I do wrong?!" I exclaimed.

"Your just not what we are looking for, Jeremy."

" bullshit, you said it yourself! I'd be working for least 3 years. Its only been 2. Please sir, I.. I can't go back to Highschool," I almost started crying.

"That's the reason your fired, you need you education." His said stern. I blink in disbelief.

My whole world just ended, fuck. I wish I could just die, but I mean, I get to go come to my mom, and maybe dad had sobered up.. maybe.

"Fine. Fuck you, fuck Timmy, fuck my modeling job, fuck it all, Bye you ratched son of a Bitch!" I got up and stormed off. "Do I smell smoke? Cause you just got fired!" Timmy said as I walked out, "You know, I feel bad for ya, you have to still work for that asshole. Good reliance dipshit!", I responded with a bitchy tone. I flipped him off and walked out of the whole company. I walked to my apartment and started packing, I am not going to continue living here, let alone go to school here. Hell to the fucking no. After packing I made my way to the buses and used what was in my pockets to pay for a trip home.

$400 that should be more then enough, I thought. When the bus arrived I got on, "I need a ride to Orlando, Florida." I said in a quick tone. "$150?" The old lady said in a warm voice. I smiled at the price and gave her two hundreds. "Go ahead a keep that extra 50." I say, then I grabbed my bags and went to sit down.

This is going to be a long trip.

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