Chapter 1 // A battle for mewni

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//This story is stars POV\\

I looked up at the ceiling, turning in my bed. Marco was out with Jackie, and I was bored. Maybe now I could practice my spells. I ran over to the book of spells, opening it and grabbing my wand. "Glossarick?" I called, flipping through pages. He was nowhere to be seen. Great, just great. Running out of ideas, I walked to my mirror. "Call mom." I said. "Calling Tom." The mirror echoed. "NO NO CANCEL CANCEL!" I yelled. It was too late. Tom appeared on the screen. "Hey Star! What is it?" He asked, a smirk on his lips. "I said call mom, NOT TOM!" I puffed. I reached towards the Hangup button. "STAR, WAIT, I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!" He yelled. I jumped back, startled. "Fine, what is it?" I asked. He had hung up. Mad, I walked back to my bed, sitting down on it. "Hey, Starship." I heard Tom say behind me. "What the- TOM, what are you doing here?" I asked, spinning around to face him. "I have to tell you something. Blast me with narwhal blast." I looked at him, confused. "Uhh, Okay," I grabbed my wand. "Narwhal Blast!" Nothing happend. "Narwhale... BLAST!" Still, nothing. "All magic is on the fritz." Tom said. Without thinking, i replied "Not all magic." He looked at me, puzzled." I grabbed his hand. "The magic of love will always work." He looked at me, blushing. "Star, that's nice and all, but we have to go to mewni. The fritz is because of  Meteroa, she's back." He grabbed my other hand. "Come on, Star, magic or no magic, we can beat her face off!" I giggled, and leaned into his chest. It felt warm. But then a image of Marco flashed into my mind. *We we're dating now! How could I forgot that!* I thought. I pulled my hand back. "Okay, but, I need to tell Marco." I said, looking away. Tom looked at me, sadly. "He's not coming back, Star." He said, quietly. "What? Why?" I asked, my heart pounding. "When I told him you were in danger, he went to fight meteora." He paused, looking down. "She.. she killed him Star." I stepped back, tears flooding my eyes. "No! You're lying!" I sobbed , running out of the room. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "I wish I was lying Star. This battle is serious, you HAVE to come." I sighed. "Okay. I will fight." I grabbed my wand, and Tom opened a portal with his scissors. He gently pushed me in. I fell into a pile of hay, and looked around. Tom landed right next to me. I don't know what came over me, but I kissed Tom on the cheek, staying there for a few seconds. I could feel his heartbeat. "Err.. Star, sorry to break the moment, but we have to get to the castle. Now." Tom said, blushing. "Okay! Let's go kick some monsters in the butt!" I giggled, holding his hand.

(Sorry this chapter was short.)

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