10. You Too?

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I ran out of the warehouse screaming and crying tears of confusion and fear. I was in shock, I didn't know what to do. This vampire, yes VAMPIRE has told me that he wants ME and that I can't escape him. Not to mention that I indeed witnessed him killing someone. Eventually I calmed down but there were still tears streaming down my face. My adrenaline is what kept me running for so long until I was stopped by running into a moving figure.

"Are you okay la- (y/n)?" It was Johnny.

I was too shaken up to speak so Johnny helped me up and took me into his house.
I hadn't realized I ran so far, I managed to run from the warehouses to the neighborhood where we lived at.

Luckily his parents weren't in the living room, so they wouldn't ask questions. There was no way for me to explain what happened and then have them believe me.

Johnny took me to his room and I sat on his bed.

"Okay so tell me what happened. Did someone hurt you or what? You can tell me (Y/N)."

"No, no one hurt me" I shook my head "but there's no way you'd believe me."

"Try me." Johnny said, taking a seat next to me on the bed.

"Well, do you believe in vampires?"

He sat still for a moment and then he looked at me "It's Dani, isn't it?"

"How did you-"

"When he told me, the night we met him, that he was a vampire I didn't believe him. Until that one night happened..." He trailed off.

"What happened?"

"I was walking home from Jack and Oli's house, you know how their house is near the warehouses right?"

I nodded.

"Well, on my way home I passed by an alley way and this was about two in the morning; so there was no one else on the street, or so I thought. Anyway, I passed by this particular alley way and I heard this weird noise. It sounded like somebody was breathing funny but when I looked in the alley I saw someone with their mouth on another person's neck. What kept me from looking away was the light from the streetlight that showed onto them revealed the blood running down the person's neck. The person who was biting the other lifted his head to look at me.
He smiled and showed me his fangs and then just vanished into dust.
It was Dani and I couldn't get the image of what I saw out if my head, it was horrifying."

He shook his head and looked down at his hands then looked over at me.
"What did you see?"

"I saw him suck the blood out of a woman in the warehouse." I went on to tell him everything that happened with me and Dani.

At the end of my rant he just hugged me and told me he was sorry.
"I'm scared for you (Y/N) but I'm not sure what we can do about this, I mean who would believe us?"

"It's alright Johnny, but I'd really prefer not to stay in my empty house alone so would it be cool if I crash on your couch tonight?"

"Yeah of course."

He gave me a blanket and a pillow then we said our goodnights and I went downstairs. I was so exhausted I instantly fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2019 ⏰

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