"If you can't say it back, that's okay, I jus-" I stammered, trying to fill his silence. 

"Jess," he cut me off. "I told you I didn't do love. I promised myself I wouldn't commit to a significant other. But you have made me break my word. You, darling, have taught me how to love when I convinced myself I couldn't. I love you, so incredibly much." 

And with that, I was in his arms, and nothing mattered. I felt no worry, no regret, no fear, no pain. Just love. I only felt Matty. 


The days in Sydney were filled with celebration, the boys basking in the glow of their success. Our week in the city had melted into the next one in Melbourne, days spent exploring and trying classic Australian treats along the way. 

There were only a few nights left before the boys returned to Manchester to relax and prepare before the tour. I already had wild dreams of where I would go within America and the places I would visit. My thoughts about the future lingered on long past Matty falling asleep, me laying restless in his arms. However, I was broken from my trance from the buzz of a notification from my phone, catching my interest as I rolled carefully away from Matty.

New email from International Art Institute UK 

I raised my brow, confused as to how they had gotten my contact information. I didn't remember signing up for a newsletter of sorts from them, as I knew it would always get my hopes up for art programs I could never afford. 

Regardless, I clicked open the email, the message inside being addressed specifically to me.

"I am Professor Ian Horowitz with the International Art Institute UK, specific samples of your work, provided to me by Ms. Judy Harring, have particularly peaked my interest. 

The authenticity and raw emotion encapsulated in your abstract masterpieces have pinned you as the perfect artist to accompany myself on a professional study of art technique and origins of expression for an extended 4 week period in Paris, France, followed by a 2 week stay in Malaga, Spain, to study the work and practices of Pablo Picasso. 

Due to my high impression of your work and desire for you to accept this apprenticeship, all expenses have been covered by the institute, the only exception being personal purchases such as souvenirs.  

Should you accept this apprenticeship, you will receive all necessary supplies to fully devote yourself to your art as well as your studies as you will be fully immersed in the culture. You will practice under globally renowned artists and study with acclaimed professors such as myself. 

Further logistical details are listed in the attached document should you need further examine it.

Given that our departure is just shy of 2 weeks away, I would need the word of your acceptance rather immediately, so do write back. 

Warm regards, 

Professor Ian Horowitz"  

I turned off my phone, attempting to steady my breathing. This was everything I could have dreamt of, all because I painted a few murals for a lady down the road. I wanted to tell someone. I needed to. My adrenaline was much too high to sleep on this. Though I knew Matty and the guys were incredibly exhausted from their gig, so I didn't bother waking him. Kai was only down the hall, yet I had seen her disappear with a guy after the show, so I wouldn't disturb her either. 

In the past whenever times have been good, there was always one person I wanted to share the moment with. Elias. I needed him now more than ever, plus it was only midafternoon back in Manchester, so I prayed he'd have his phone nearby.

Please // Matty HealyWhere stories live. Discover now