"Yeah... But I would be happy to be with you, if that's ok..."

"Sure! Kaga, see you later".

"See you". Kaga answers in a monotone tone... It's impossible to say if she is sad or happy by Akagi going away... Why don't you show some emotion, Kaga?

"Well, where do you want to go?" I ask Akagi while leaving the canteen... She was peeking Kaga from the canteen door. I guess she was really worried about Kaga. "Akagi, let's go?"

"Um? Oh, yes! Where do you want to go?" She said.

"Where do YOU want to go?"

"Well... Why we don't stay here then?"

"Okay, let's stay here". I said, heading back inside.

"Let's sit in that table!" She said pointing to a table with no one in it. I sit in that table and put my plate in my front... Starting to eat it. Once we sat, Akagi asked:

"Are you really okay?"

"Yeah, now that I am with you... You see, Zuikaku said I was giving you to much attention and none to my friends. I know that's true, but I am glad to still have you. I think I gave too much attention to her words, that's why I messed up with the mission I had this morning... I couldn't pull the trigger and the words she told me were echoing in my head..." I look to Akagi after explaining all of this... She sighed while looking to Kaga... "Hey, Akagi?"

"Um? Oh, sorry... I was spacing out..." Spacing out looking directly to Kaga... Well, I should let this go, Kaga and Akagi are best friends after all.

"So you didn't hear anything I said?"


"Ok, I guess I am going to repeat then..." I explain everything again...

"Well..." She started to say after I explained everything "It's a good thing you have me now. Don't give attention to her words when you have me!"

"Well, I will remember that now!"

Then we went in silent. When I was almost finishing my lunch, I look to Akagi. She was once again staring to Kaga...  I was going to let it pass again, but then... I realize one thing...

"No... It can be that, right?"

I ask myself in my head. I knew what to do to confirm what I was thinking... I finished my lunch and asked Akagi.

"Do you want to go to the anchor statue again?"

"Sure, why not?" She stood up, held my hand and we went together to the anchor statue. Please don't be what I think it is...

We reached the anchor statue... a calm breeze moved my and Akagi's hair. Once there she looked to me.

"Why you wanted to come here again?" She asked me with a little smile.

"I wanted to ask... Akagi... Do you really love me?" I ask with a dismayed face.

"What? Of course I love you, silly"

"Are you sure you don't love Kaga?" She gave me a surprised expression and hesitated to gave an answer... That was all I needed to prove what I was thinking.

"Um... Err... Of course not! W-Where did you get this idea from?"

"From your acts... Now I know you don't love me, you love Kaga. You knew Kaga liked Zuikaku, that's why you pushed me away from Zuikaku... For Kaga get closer to her, isn't that right? All you wanted was to see Kaga happy, even if wasn't with you..." Thinking now, that explains why I didn't sense her emotions when she declared her love for me... "You were disposed to do anything for her, even force me to love you..."

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