Training Time

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The day was starting... What the day is going to do to me this morning? In case you didn't realize, every day when I wake up and my bad luck strikes. What's going to happen today? I open my eyes slowly, trying to see if I fell from my bed. Luckily no. I look to see if isn't someone at the window trying to throw paper planes. Also no... So today my bad luck isn't going to strike in the morning? That's a miracle! I get my new mobile phone to check the hour, in a way much easier than go to a room with a wall clock. 10:00 AM... Wait... The training session was going to start around 9:00 AM... There's not even one day that my bad luck is not going strike me...

I catch some clothes in my handbag, that I brought with me in the hurry of yesterday. I didn't get many clothes because of a certain admiral called Seiji Takahashi that said that we need to leave Yokosuka in less than 9 minutes. I ran through the doors of the buildings until reach the training camp... And trip once there. Cleaning my clothes from the dirties of the floor, I stand up and immediately say:

"S-Sorry I-I am late!" I bowed... Wait... There is no one here... Then I hear a laugh.

"She fell in our trap!" I heard, I look to the two people talking, peeking behind a building... I approach them. General Kazegawa and another man, that I don't know who is it, are there.

"OH! Good morning Kyoto!" General Kazegawa said surprised and standing up really fast. Those days in Yokosuka are going to be so... full of pranks. Someone, please take me out from here... I make continence for him and pretend to leave the area.

"Adjust her clock to one hour earlier was a great idea general!" I heard... Of course, they were the one who did it... Anyway, I am going to have breakfast now. And discover how to put a password on my mobile phone...

Tokyo is basically the perfect city... Look at what I just ate in breakfast. It's called "Sashimi" and was made with salmon! You know how is tasteful salmon sashimi? It's simply perfect... Mainly with shoyu...

"So... how much time you think that takes to remodel?" I asked while eating this delicious food.

"It depends. Usually the more effort you do, more chance to remodel". Said Zuikaku.

"Sometimes the remodel changes nothing in the appearance, only the equipment... Like my last remodel..." Said Shokaku, looking to the floor as she finishes the sentence.

"Oh... Do you guys think we are going to change too much?" I ask, even more curious. Maybe a new color for the hair? Nah, I don't really need that. Maybe new clothes? Oh, new clothes are a good thing, I only use this Miko uniforms every day...

"Maybe... I don't know. Usually the first remodel don't change too much, but there are exceptions". Explained Taiho with a serious face.

"Is that so?" I said finishing my last piece of sashimi. "Well... I am going to wait for you guys at the training camp".

"Sure, see you there". Zuikaku replied.

After around 15 minutes everyone was in the training camp, ready for the worst. I can prepare for the worse, but my bad luck always finds a way to strike me...

"Is everyone here?" Asked the general with a serious face. At least he gets serious when comes to do the job.

"Yes". Confirmed Zuikaku. The general looked at our faces, searching for... a weakness? Maybe he is testing our laugh resistance... He stared at us for 20 minutes, without even order us to do something...

"Eh... General, when are we going train serious?" Asked Zuikaku, not supporting anymore stay doing nothing.

"When the teacher arrives". Wait... I thought you were the one training us. Why didn't you explained earlier? "Look, there she is". He looked to a woman with formal clothes and a metal stick in her hands. The glasses on her face gave the impression that she was smarter than everyone here. 

"Good morning Admiral, good morning carriers". She bowed with her head in respect signal... She is indeed smarter than everyone here. Well, that means we are learning from the best... I hope...

"Good morning sensei". We said, respectfully bowing to her.

"Well, shall we start them?" The teacher said giving a bright smile to us... The train doesn't seem that will be hard with a teacher like that. Right?

I take back what I just said... This is the hardest train that I ever had! Stay in this freaking cold water?! What type of training is this? Aren't we "Kansumus"? We were supposed to float in the water, not stay inside of it! We stayed five hours there, my hands are trembling, my body looks like ice and I can't even feel my legs! Is this type of training going to lead us to the bottom of the ocean? We only stopped at 1:57 PM (The teacher forced us to skip lunch), when Shokaku suddenly started to glow. That was really strange, she was literally with her skin emitting a white light... The general took her to the factory, while we three finally could have some food... and warm ourselves from that cold water...

"C'mon, we need to train more!" said our teacher while we were eating. "You are eating make 30 minutes already, hurry up!" She said to us... Can't we lunch alone? I need this food to survive your training.

"Sensei, can you let us finish our lunch quietly?" Zuikaku said to her while eating her food.

"Oh, you want some privacy. No problem". She left the table and we finally could lunch calmly. 

After we finish lunch we needed to go to the training camp again. Something was different there. We could hear the sound of shots. Expecting to be an abyssal fleet attacking Tokyo Harbor, we ran to the training camp. Once we reached there someone was standing there with a long arch. The planes were high skilled, hitting multiple targets and doing dangerous acrobatics in the air. The planes finally landed on the flight deck of the owner. The owner of the flight deck was Shokaku. Her appearance changed a little, but mainly her skills. That acrobatics, I never saw such a skill. That only let me more excited. If that's what the remodel changes, well, I want to remodel the sooner as possible!

That's was my challenge for the next few days... Train harder to become a new carrier...  

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