Battle of Suez Canal

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"Ok... I think we should stop here, I will launch a recon plane". Enterprise said. "Kyoto, stay with your jets ready, when we spot the enemy, we bombard them with everything we have".

"Right... I will contact Graf first". I said to Enterprise.

"Yeah, better keep she informed". I put my hand on my ear and contacted Graf:

"Graf? Here is Kyoto, we are near the area where the enemy light carriers might be. We are launching a recon plane".

"Very well, you may proceed. I am deploying now to hunt the second fleet. Good luck you three". Graf answered. After I received her answer, I pull my hand from my ear.

"So... what she said?" Enterprise asked.

"We can proceed. She wished us good luck". I am in real need of luck... But it's impossible, I can't have luck.

"Ok, let's go then". She picked up one arrow, aimed at the blue sky and shoot the arrow. The arrow ignited itself and transformed into a Saiun recon squadron.

"Wait... Japanese planes? In an American carrier?"

"Where did you got these planes?" I asked her. She looked to the planes with the red circles in the wing while they were still close.

"There aren't many recon planes available to kansumus... Only the prototype Keiun and the Saiun recon planes we can use". This prototype Keiun is different from my jet Keiun planes. The prototype Keiun is propeller plane.


We waited some minutes after the planes were launch. The tense silence dominated... And I never saw Knightmare with that serious face before. He is ready for anything, but he is our only escort... We are probably very screwed...

"Enemy in sight!" Enterprise shouted. I immediately grabbed my machine gun and launched all my planes, first the Jet Keiun squadron, then the Kikka Squadron and finally the F-35 squadron. Enterprise launched her F6F fighters, with her F4U-1D dive bombers and her TBD torpedo bombers.

The planes flew in the direction of the recon planes. My planes slowed down to accompany Enterprise planes, so we could make a single and deadly attack.

"Let's focus on the light carriers!" I said. Enterprise quickly objected:

"No, we should focus on the heavy cruisers, one of them must be the flagship".

"But if we sunk the carriers it will be much more easily to acquire air superiority!" I explained.

"If we sunk the heavy cruisers and one of them be the flagship, we can impact their morale, making much easier to sunk the other ships!"

"She is much more experienced than me... she probably fought more battle than I... There is no point in discussing..."

"Ok... Let's proceed with your plan..." I said defeated, changing the aim of my planes to the heavy cruisers. Smoke balls started to appear in the sky, indicating they attempts to stop our planes. My jet Keiun squadron dropped the bombs in one of the cruisers. Three bombs missed, one hit in the main battery and one in the head, directly in the eye. Smoke was released by the explosion, indicating the damage in her eye and in the main battery, which no longer was working. The Kikka planes were carrying lighter bombs. They dropped in the same target, hitting three from the five bombs. One of the bombs hit her leg, making she fly for a moment and then fall in the water, sinking. 

"I got one!" I said happily... I could have sunk the heavy cruiser with my jet Keiun only, but my luck is perfect...

"Now it's my turn!". The F4U-1D squadron dropped their bombs perfectly, all hit the target... Looks like I'm the only one that has so much bad luck. The heavy cruiser exploded, her magazine must have detonated. After the smoke dissipated, there was no longer a cruiser there. Her torpedo bombers attacked the light cruiser, who didn't found a way to escape and got sunk by the torpedoes. "Alright! I sank two abysses!"

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