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all I'm gonna say is these next few chapters are gonna be shit beacuse like I'm functioning on like 1 hour of sleep beacuse of personal reasons ahaha

no ones pov)
the bell rang for everyone to go to lunch so izuku grabbed his stuff and was on his way he walked a little behind katsuki until katsuki stoped and let izuku catch up "come on nerd" katsuki said not looking at izuku. "ka-kachan really I can walk with you?" izuku said with a sparkle in his eyes.katsuki looked over at him the turned away to hide his blush "yea just dont make me change my mind" he said as the walk into the lunch room.


izukus pov)
after lunch my class had a training thing to do out on the field. I'm hoping it's nothing to harsh I still dont feel good. Mr aizawa explains everything we are going to do, we have a race to see who's quirks can get them to a place faster in emergencies and some other stuff
(but author-chan is lazy and we wont get into that ...maybe idk yet ahah). the class was all lined up in a long line ready to use our quirks to get the the finishline.
Mr. aizawa yelled start and I use one for all and book it down the track am in about the top 4 but then my chest starts to tighten up and hurt I try to keep running but my body wont let me so I just move out of everyone's way and have my coughing fit. everything starts to get fuzzy but its probibly from the lack of oxygen at this point I see a blob of blond,black and a bit of orange speeding my way and before I can even think about moving out of the way it picks me up and just runes off I can hear mr. aizawa yelling at it in the back round. "k-*cough*kachan?" I ask trying to hold in the coughing and all I get is my body bouncing from holding it.

"dumbass who did you think it was" he says slowing down as we get in the building and he lays me down on the floor. " why did you b-bring me back to the building" I ask my breathing going back to normal. "beacuse I'm taking you to recovery girl and were gonna find out what's wrong with you, you have been like this almost a week" kachan says pulling me up to my feet and we walk into recovery girls office. "oh heheh hello boys what can I do for you" recovery girl asks walking up to us. "u-um its not-" kachan cut me off "this dumb ass here is sick or somethin can you fix him" kachan ask pointing back at me with hit thumb. "oh are you sick midoria? I'm afraid I cant help you if I try and heal it it takes away you're stamina and you need that in order to have a strong immune system so If i do it could just make your cold worse" recovery girl explained to us. "oh i see sorry for taking *cough* up your time ma'am" I say walking out quickly so kachan cant yell at me. "what ever lady thanks I guess" kachan said walking out and walking next to me back to class where everyone else returned to.

vote and comment plz it gives me motivation😁😁

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