Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

Agnetha was given the chance to speak her testimony as well. She spoke everything and though the strong heart of hers shivered, she had made it to the end of the testimony explaining many things from birth to present. Life was hell for her and it was clear. It wasn't a doubt that she was regretful to accept the thought of having to give her daughter away. She spoke it from the heart and the tears that were shed were not an act.

She carried her for nine months. She gave birth to her, yet even after the birth she was unable to be separated from her child. Anna needed a mother's nurturing. The attachment and the bond of a mother and daughter was strong that even Lena couldn't make up for it. It was plainly seen, especially when the evidence of Agnetha's belongings of Anna's items were shown on a screen.

Lena had nothing. She grew furious because she had never known Björn sent her so many things. Maybe one photograph a year, yes, she was aware. This was a whole chest.

A recess was taken by request having given both parties time to think and discuss matters to come to an agreement at the least. The two lawyers were already ones who despised one another, yet each one smarter than the other. They knew their game.

"Björn, I don't know why, I don't feel it's going good."

"It is, baby, be patient. Whatever happens, you know we'll work it out. I think our chances are better than Lena's. I can't imagine the judge would be that naive."

"She's essentially her mother, Björn. She calls her by it. Lena makes everything convincing," he scratched his beard and thought.

"She'll lose and I know it."

Going back and forth, it took nearly an hour before the judge gave his decision. It was clear the family didn't want to be torn. The history of the past few months were obviously not easy for anyone in this case and there was nothing hidden between them. He sympathized for a mother who had lived years without her daughter, yet understood the strain of pulling away a daughter from the only mother she knew. It was certain Bjorn was doing his best to protect Anna in the end and respected this most.

"Taking everything that was said into consideration, by Ms. Källersjö, Mr. Ulvaeus, and Ms. Fältkog," everyone in the room stood and had held their breath. "Anna Ulvaeus should have every right to remain living with Ms. Lena Källersjö, despite not being her birth mother, she had raised her as if her own..."

"This isn't right," Björn said, looking to Lena finding her in a beaming smile bound to release a gentle laugh.

"No. No, no," Agnetha breathed, feeling a hot rush run through her face. Björn immediately turned around to see her in an attempt to make sure she could keep it together for the rest of what he had to say. He knew he couldn't just give Lena sole custody. There was no way.

"With, however, visitation privileges from both parents. Equally for Mr. Björn Ulvaeus. There isn't a reason why Ms. Fältskog shouldn't be involved in her daughter's life. Upon request, she will have the right to see her daughter, and her daughter to see her own birth mother as well."

"That's not what I want! Why can't you listen to me and what I want instead?" Anna stood and yelled, catching the attention of everyone in the room. Her eyes were filled with tears and her sweaty palms made her more anxious. It was the only way she could fight for herself, and this would be her only chance.

"Darling, sit. You can't–" Lena was cut off by Anna, though trying to keep herself from raging. She wasn't planning this turn.

"I'm grown enough to decide," she plead to the judge. "I want to live with my father. I don't want to stay with her," Emma nudged her sister, but Anna pulled her arm away. The judge was surprised to see Anna wasn't so quiet as she looked. She had an opinion and of course he believed she should have a chance to speak as well. Anna had been heard and her words analyzed quietly by the judge for a few moments. Björn took the chance and leaned into his lawyer's ear. Quickly he took the chance and jumped.

"Your Honor, since the birth certificate in Ms. Källersjö's name is invalid, how can we have the proper case? Legally she has no connection with my client and Ms. Fältskog's daughter. Shouldn't that be enough to make a decision?"

"For fourteen years she's been raised by my client, who she still calls 'mom'. I would say legally she should have the right to continue raising and living with her."

"Not if Anna refuses," the judge said. He met Lena's piercing stare and furrowed eyebrows behind her light rimmed glasses. Something wasn't right from her.

"And in this case, Anna Ulvaeus, as she wishes, will live in her father's residence and have visitations by both mothers," the judge corrected his decision.

"No! He's unfit to. Your Honor he has anger issues and risked his life, leaving us all behind for Agnetha when she was kidnapped. Both of them are dangerous. Neither of them can look after her if they can't even look after themselves. You can never trust what he'll do."

"Ms. Källersjö, you'll speak when spoken to. Has he laid a hand on you or any of his children?"


"Yes or no," he interrupted sharply.

"No, but–"

"To me he appears he's trying to do what is best for his family and doesn't strike me as a dangerous man. Decision is final. Case is dismissed," the wooden hammer hit hard and a sigh of relief waved through. "Oh, and about the illegally forged birth certificate... I could trust you would both pay your penalties or jail waits all three. Thank you."

Björn nodded and turned to Agnetha. He smiled and thanked his lawyer as did Agnetha. The dark haired lawyer had left their side momentarily and in the meantime Björn and Agnetha shared a congratulating hug.

"I told you it'll work out," he said into her ear.

"Thank you... thank you, thank you," she breathed of relief.

Both turned to see Anna approach them with Emma and Lena just behind her. Anna threw her arms around her father, while Lena only glared at Agnetha, a similar face worn by Emma.

"Well... you may have taken my husband," she paused and stared, "but it doesn't mean I'll let you take my daughter, too,  Agnetha. Not that easy. Remember this." Her words weren't heard by anyone else, but they created a sting. Not enough to ruin her joy that her daughter didn't have to stay in Lena's miserable presence. She walked away leaving Anna to Agnetha and Emma to Björn.

"What will you do?" Björn asked Emma.

"I'll go with mom for now," he nodded.

"Okay, sweetheart. We'll talk." Emma turned to hurriedly follow her mother leaving the three to each other in the empty courtroom.

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