Finale: A battle won but an on-going war

Start from the beginning

what happened Tema?”  asked Lucile

After Zodiac had…captured you all…I was left very drained by the demon circle. They all fired an attack and Princess Hana shielded me from the blow” he was upset as he recounted the events.

They all looked rather sad as the realisation that Hana was gone

Father we saw the whole thing” said Sakura “you fought really well”

“how did you see everything?” asked Tema

somehow we saw the events from behind Zodiac as he fought you” said Kyla

I would like to inquire…how did you fight so well against him?” asked Nikistatia

I dont' was as if he wasn't trying. I beat him and managed to free you...But…” he was on his knees “the princess is gone…she took the blow made for me…and now she’s gone” tears fell from his face as Sakura got down and comforted him with her hand on his back.  She noticed something on one of his legs where Daekavich had grabbed him and when she looked at her own hand she could see dirt on her palm. She realised something to which she showed the other girls as well.

They all realised something which Tema had failed to realise

Father…come on stand up” she lifted him up to his feet “Come on don’t you realise that your wrong about Hana”

“what do you mean?”

“Tema take off your jumper” asked Lucile

why?” Tema said looking confused

just do it” demanded Lucile. Tema began taking off his jumper with some difficulty and dropped it on the floor. All the girls looked surprised at what they saw

father…have you looked at what you’re wearing lately?”  said Sakura. Tema looked at his clothes and looked shocked too to see his clothes a bright silver. “but that’s impossible…How am I like this? I changed to this form when I fought Zodiac in the past world but how did I when you were all gone?”

Tema did you actually see the Princess get hit by the attack” asked Lucile

Tema thought about it and all he could remember was the attacks closing in about to hit him, when the princess grabbed him her hand was over the fusion-drive “is it possible that…” at that moment Tema was engulfed in a ball of light which blinded everyone else.

When the light vanished Tema was in his normal clothes with a familiar face looking at him opposite in her yellow battle outfit. Hana just smiled at him as he stared at her

 “what’s wrong Tema? Is there something wrong with my outfit”  Tema couldn’t believe his eyes

is this real? I mean I thought you..”

“Don’t believe me. Then here” she walked up to him and hugged him “is this proof enough” he hugged her back just making sure

thank goodness” she just let him hug

 “you were terrific you know. I sort of saw the whole fight” . After a few moments Tema put her back

“but when did you…fuse...with me?”

“when I shielded you from the attacks, my hand went over the fusion-drive and I were merged”

Eternal Discovery 2: Paths of Unity (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now