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**Nicole's POV**

I gasped as I heard the loud clapping of the thunder. The vibrations from the loud sound shook the plane and caused panic to rise in me.

I had always hated flying and it wasn't just because of my fear of heights. I'd always thought something bad to happen anytime I hopped onto a plane and it drove me insane.

I glanced down at the twenty carat diamond ring seated on the ring finger of my left hand and smiled. It eased my nerves as I got lost in the sparkles of the beautiful gem.

"I'm starting to think you're in love with that ring and not me." A deep voice startled me and I jerked forward in fright, only calming myself when my eyes found my fiancé. I smiled at the thought of that. Harrison Banks was my fiance.

"How could you think that of me, Harry?" I said in mock hurt as I got up to my feet and walked up to him. I placed my right hand on his shoulder. "You should know that I'm only in love with this diamond ring." I wiggled my fingers in front of him.

"Ouch." He winced in mock hurt and I grinned. "You never loved me? Not even a little bit?" He pouted and my grin widened as I shook my head to answer his question.

"I'm sorry. I used you to get what I really wanted and now that I have the love of my life, you are of no use to me." I brought the ring to my lips and placed a lingering kiss on it.

I let go of Harrison and turned around to walk back to my seat but his arm wrapped around my waist before I could take a step away and spun me around to face me, then, he pulled me back to his hard chest.

"You'd never get rid of me, Nicole." He said, placing a kiss on my forehead. "You're stuck with me forever."

My heart melted at his words and I reached up to wrap my arms around his shoulders as he wrapped both his arms around my waist in a heart warming embrace.

"I love you, Harrison Banks." I said right before I placed my head on his shoulder. Standing at 6ft3, my 5ft8 self barely reached his chin and I loved it. His height was what attracted me to him initially.

I couldn't believe how lucky I was to find Harrison. He was everything and more to me and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I was sure of that and it made me over the moon to know that he wanted to spend his life with me too. Harrison and I were forever.

"I love—" Harrison was cut off when a loud thunder clap echoed, almost bursting my ear drums.

"What was —" I was cut off also as the plane jerked forward, throwing Harrison and I to the floor. I groaned from the force of the contact as I had bumped my head on the floor. My head began to throb.

The plane started to shake like it usually did when experiencing turbulence but it was much, much worse.

I knew there was trouble and I couldn't help but panic.

"What's going on?" I asked as Harrison helped me get up to my seat.

"It'll be okay. Don't panic." Harrison said in a calm voice, although, his eyes held fear and uncertainty.


"Don't move." He cut me off as he fastened my seat belt. "I'll be back in a second." He placed a lingering kiss on my forehead before turning away from me and he stumbled towards the cockpit, grabbing whatever he could to stable himself.

I wanted to call out to him to come back but I decided against it. I was in full panic mode and I could tell that Harrison was trying his very best to stay calm. I was only going to make things worse if I talked to him in my state.

My vision blurred as tears filled my eyes and I cupped my palms over my mouth as I let the sobs break through. If the plane went down, we were all going to die. Harrison and I would've never gotten married or raised a family or even led a life together. If the plane went down, it was all over.

I closed my eyes and said a desperate prayer to God, begging him to save our lives. He was the only one that could save us now.

The plane's movement got worse and that's when Harrison ran out from the cockpit with a terrified look on his face, a look that confirmed my suspicions.

We were going to die.

Just then air masks fell out from the ceiling and my heart began to beat even faster and harder against my ribcage.

"Harrison!" I cried out in a shaky voice and he stumbled over to me but before he could get far, the plane tilted downwards as we started to fall through the sky and Harrison fell down the slide the aisle had created.

He tumbled and tumbled, only coming to a stop when he hit the door leading into the cockpit.

My breathing became labored as there was lack of air but all I could think about was Harrison who remained unmoving at the door of the cockpit.

I took two drags of air from the mask and unbuckled my seat belt before making an attempt to get to him. It was a bad idea, I realized as I slid down the aisle a moment later, just like Harrison had. I could feel the plane falling even faster now and I knew we were going to hit the ground at any moment. I just needed to be with Harrison when the time came.

"Harrison!" I wrapped my arms around him and he steered for a moment before his eyes opened.

It took him a second to recall what was happening and once he did, his eyes widened with fear.

"Nicole." He wrapped his arms around me protectively and shielded me with his body like it was going to save me when we finally hit the ground.

"I'm scared!" I cried and Harrison placed a kiss to the top of my head.

"I'm scared too."  He admitted and I snuggled further into him, sobbing into his shirt.

I couldn't believe that this was it for us. This was the end of our chapter and we had only just begun it. We were unfortunate and that was sad.

"I love you, Nicole." Was the last thing I heard Harrison say before the plane finally crashed.


And there you have it! The prologue of my first short story! Ta-da!

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