Friendly Neighborhood Nemesis

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Yet another beautiful day.  This time, the weather actually matters, but screw detailed descriptions about birds and bees.  Corbea, Cordon, Nobi and Roswell were all sitting on a bench at the park.  Roswell was smacking butterflies out of the air out of boredom.  Cordon was staring into space, and Nobi was staring at Roswell, as usual.  They were all getting pretty bored at this point.  All except for Corbea.

"Oh, come on, guys!  Don't look so down.  It's a beautiful day!"  Corbea said, sighing contently.

"Beautiful and BORING...  All we're doing is sitting on a bench!!"  Cordon groaned.  "My legs are starting to fall asleep!"

"There's plenty we can do out here!  Like..."  Corbea pulled a Frisbee out of a small bag he had brought.  Corbea stood up and stepped back, preparing to throw it.  "We can play catch!  Go long, bro!"

When Corbea threw the Frisbee, it drifted away from Cordon, who didn't seem to put any effort into catching it.  It landed in the grass next to the bench.

"Really?  ...Fine.  We'll go home.  I just wanted to have a nice day in the park with my friends and my little bro, but I guess since you all find this so boring, we'll just go waste away this beautiful day inside doing nothing."  Corbea reluctantly put the Frisbee back in the bag, lifting it and preparing to leave.  "Let's go, I guess."

"Finally!"  Roswell got off of the bench, gleefully following Corbea.  Nobi followed him, copying his exact mannerisms to the best of her ability because that's just how she is.

"Sorry, bro.  It's nothing personal, it's just...  The park is so BORING!  Plus, it's super hot out, and bugs keep biting me.  You know where I'm coming from, right?"  Cordon got off the bench as well, following shortly after.

Corbea spoke as he started walking, the others following him.  "Well...  ...I guess...  I just thought that since it was so nice out today, it would be good to leave the house for once."

As they approached their house, they couldn't help but notice something;  the huge, completely out of place second floor on their house that definitely wasn't there before.  It looked oddly futuristic, with walls seemingly made of metal rather than wood or bricks.  The group stared at it in shock and disbelief.

"...Okay, let me be the first to say...  ...What the heck is that."  Cordon asked, wide-eyed.

"It looks to me like we have a new neighbor!  Albeit an odd one...  We should go say hello!"  Corbea started walking up to the house, smiling and trying to hide his confusion.  The others followed reluctantly.

As they reached the house, Corbea noticed a button on a large, square-shaped metal platform.  He walked up to it, pushing the button curiously.  Suddenly, the platform began to rise up to the door of the mysterious new floor.

Corbea looked down in awe as this happened.  "Woah!  Some kind of elevator!  Coolio!"

Once the platform reached the door, Corbea gently knocked on it, patiently awaiting a response.  He heard shuffling from inside, followed by a few loud clangs and an unidentified voice groaning in annoyance.  The door suddenly flung open, and in the doorway was an orange monster who was about Cordon's size.  He had four yellow-ish horns;  two short ones, and two long ones that curved inwards.  He wore goggles with black rims and yellow-tinted lenses that made it pretty much impossible to see his actual eyes.  He glared up at Corbea.

"Who are you?  What do you want?  I'm very busy."  The monster tapped his foot impatiently.

"Um, hello...!  I'm Corbea.  My friends and I live...  ...Er, downstairs."  Corbea glanced down at the monster, surprised by his size.

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