Thankfully, Gerard's phone rang, breaking us out of the awkward silence that we were soaking in.

~Back to Gerard's POV~

My phone rang loudly, bringing me out of my sea of overwhelming thoughts.

I ran over to my phone and picked up, "hello?"

"Hello, this is the New Jersey hospital. Am I speaking to a Gerard Way?" A female voice on the other end talked.

"Yes, that's me. Is everything okay?" I asked the operator on the other end of the phone.

"You're (f/n) (l/n)'s friend, is that correct?"

"Yes. Is everything alright with them?"

"Yes, everything is okay. We are just calling to let you know that you can come visit them."

"Really?" I smiled, "that's great."

"Yes, the only thing is that they are currently in a medically induced coma but they should wake up soon."

"Oh." My expression dropped a little. "So, I can still see them, right?"

"Yes. You can stop by today or tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you. Have a good day."

"You too."

And with that she hung up.

I ran to the kitchen with a happy and excited smile on my face.

Before I could say anything, Mikey spoke up, "who was that?" He asked.

"A nurse or someone from the hospital, I can see (y/n) but they're in a medically induced coma." I answered.

"Oh. Do you wanna see them today or tomorrow morning?" Ray asked.

"Let's go today." I said, "if that's okay with you guys."

"Yeah, I think we should go see them." Mikey said.

Ray agreed and so we all finished our breakfast quite quickly so that we could leave to see them as soon as possible.

Ray's car was in the campus parking lot so he offered to drive us to the hospital. I thanked him and we got into the car to drive to the hospital.

I ended up falling asleep in the car and Mikey woke me up when we had arrived to the hospital. I pretty much just stumbled out of the car as if I was drunk but no, I was just half asleep.

We got to the lobby and I said, "hi, I'm here to see (f/n) (l/n)."

"Okay." The lady at the desk said, "are you a blood relative?" She asked.

"Uhh, no. But I'm one of their close friends."

"Okay," she typed something into her computer, "your friend is in room 504, just go into the elevator and press the button for the fifth floor. You'll find the room about two doors down on your left."

"Okay. Thank you very much." I walked off to the elevator, Mikey and Ray following behind me.

We got in the elevator and I pressed the button to the fifth floor and once we got to the floor, we walked two doors down and found the room 504.

I placed my hand on the door knob but before I could open it Mikey placed his hand on my shoulder and said, "Gee, I think Ray and I are going to stay out here, you know, let you have a moment alone with them."

"Okay, thanks." I sighed and opened the door.

A gasp escaped my lips when I took in the sight of (y/n) laying lifeless in the bed. Their hair covering their pale face slightly. There were bandages on their arm, covering the stitches on the cuts from yesterday.

I walked up to the chair placed next to the bed and sat down. I held their hand, tracing circles on the back of their hand gently. "Hi,  (y/n)." I sighed. "I don't even know if you can hear me right now but I'm going to talk to you anyways. I just wanted to let you know that I love you so much and I'm so sorry you felt so desperate to do what you did. I just want you to wake up so I can give you a kiss and let you know how in love with you I am.

"I just want you to wake up and be here with me. I want to kiss you and make you feel okay. I want to hold you and make you feel beautiful. I don't want you to suffer anymore. So, if you can hear me, please wake up." A lonely tear trickled down my cheek onto our intertwined hands.

(Y/n) didn't wake up but their fingers started twitching a bit. The hand I was holding spazzed out a bit so I just held it against my chest, enjoying the warmth radiating off it.

I wanted to hug them so bad but they had tubes coming out left, right and center of their arms and body. I couldn't do much so I just sat there, sniffling and hoping they would wake.

God knows how long until they wake up.

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