Chapter 23

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 I turn the shower off before climbing out onto the bathroom carpet. I grab my towel from the wall and wrap it around myself. I look in the mirror after rubbing the vapour off of it. I fix my hair and brush my teeth. I walk out and head towards my room but am stopped by Freddy. 

 He looks me up and down before saying, "Listen... I have the GREATEST idea on the planet, okay?" I slowly nod my head before stepping closer to my room. He eyes my bedroom door than me again and says, "Just... Get dressed first." I nod my head, turning into the room faster than sonic. 

 After a few minutes, I was clothed and went out to the living room. I sit super close to Billy so he wraps his arm around me. We sit there in silence for a few seconds before he says, "You know I'm not like the Billy in your dreams, right? I'd never even think of hurting you." I nod my head and kiss his cheek.

 "I know," I say. 

 "Good," he whispers before kissing the top of my head and cuddling closer. I wrap one arm around his lower back and hold the front of his shirt tightly in my other hand. I have my head on his shoulder with my face in his neck while his head is on top of me. Our legs are intertwined and we're just sitting there in the rare silence of the living room. 

 I see Freddy come from the kitchen with my food and immediately get excited. Sadly, he places the food on the other side of the room and sits on the couch across from us next to Mary. "I have an idea, what if you ask the dream Billy to come out?" 

 "We've been over this, Freddy. He can't. He's a dream," I say. He rolls his eyes and I look up at Billy. He just shrugs at my look at him. I go back into our position and sigh. 

 "But what if he's not," he says. I looked at him like he was an idiot, which he was. This Billy was clearly just a figment of my imagination that seemed to have a lot more control over me than I thought he did. 

 "He's a dream! I go to sleep and he's there, that's called a dream!" He rolls his eyes again before standing up.

 "Just ask him!" I sigh and slowly nod my head.

 "Fine... I'll ask my dream to come out to have some lovely tea with us and maybe he can meet my parents," Billy chuckles and I smile at him. 

 "I'm being serious!" Freddy yells.

 "When are you not?! It's clearly a dream that just has more control than a dream should!" Billy yells.

 "Which CLEARLY is NOT A DREAM!" He yells. Eugene cuts in.

 "But it's only there when she goes to sleep," Eugene says. 

 "That doesn't mean it's a dream, maybe it wants to talk to her only one on one. Because it knew we'd find out if it came to her outside," we all were shocked by Pedro's accusation.

 "But why would it want access to Y/n?" Mary asks. 

 "I remember at the fair... That bald bastard put something into her, it was all smoky and misty. He decided to wiggle his fingers over her head when she was knocked out and now this is all happening." Darla says this with much confidence. 

 "That's when it started happening," I say. 

 "Maybe he put something in that's taking the form of Billy!" Pedro yells.

 "Then how do you explain Freddy?" I ask. "he's nice," I state.

 "He put them into your dreams... Maybe you still have control over your dreams and brought that in..." I nod my head slowly. 

 "Fine... I'll ask him to come out," I say. Billy rubs my shoulder realizing the nervousness I have. I start feeling insane because of everything hitting me at once. Everyone walks away and I begin crying into Billy's shoulder. Not full on sobs but small whines. He hugs me tightly and sighs. "Billy, I don't want to," I whisper. 

 "Just... This could be a chance we'd kill him. How about we all stand outside the dream as our superheroes for when he does come out," he says. I tear up and nod my head. He holds me tight against him and I close my eyes. 

 I sit on the couch and close my eyes. I wake up in my dream world after one last glimpse of the superheroes standing around me. I'm sitting on a rock. I look next to me and see Billy once again. 

 "Billy?" I ask. He smiles at me before walking over. He kneels down in front of me. 

 "Hey, you came back," he says. Something was different about him this time, he had a small black crack in his cheek. 

 "W-What happened?" I ask while cupping his cheek. 

"Oh, this?" He asks pointing at the crack. "Well... Someone is getting closer to breaking me from their dreams," he gives me a pissed off and sarcastic smile. 

 "Wh-What do you mean?" I ask. 

 "I love you... I really do... But how fucking dense are you?" His voice goes darker. I feel my heart drop as tears burn my eyes. 

 "Billy..." I whisper. I feel my lip quiver and he cups my face.

 "I see and hear everything you and that fucking monster of a family talk about... I'm in your head... I hear and see everything you do... Maybe... You should find a different way to communicate. I'm not leaving, I can't leave. You're right... I'm a figment of your imagination." His evil smirk appears onto his face. 

 I had difficulty speaking from the words he just said but I managed to get a question out. "How does the dream world connect with the real one?" 

 He just laughs darkly. He looks up at me and stands up. "You're sleepwalking when I bring you around... Isn't it obvious?" 

 It all started to connect and I had never felt so stupid in my entire life. I feel a small tingling on my arm so I quickly glance down and see the words, "Come out," written in Freddy's handwriting on my wrist. I close my eyes and wake up. 

 I face Billy in his superhero form but before he can change back I cling to him. He hugs back and sighs. "What happened in there?" He asks.

 "Be quiet... He-He can hear us..." I whimper before feeling Billy's grip getting tighter around me.

Shazam? (Billy Batson X Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin