Chapter 12

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 I found this chapter emotional to write but thoroughly enjoy it and hope you do too. I actually cried writing it. (Find your safe place)

I start getting a little scared. This man could kill me at any moment if I did anything wrong. I wanted to help my friends though so I yelled "HIS EYE!" which triggered him to push me to my knees on the ground.

Baldy kicked my stomach causing me to collapse onto my side then kicking me in the face. It went black. My vision had disappeared. "Am I dead?" I ask myself.

I open my eyes to see a beautiful blue sky, a clear blue sky. I started breathing quickly. One of my hands were above my head while the other was at my side on the grass. My arms were bent comfortably. The grass was cold on my bare arms.

I look to my right to see tall sunflowers, roses, tulips, many other flowers along with them. I swallow hard thinking, "Yep, I'm dead."

I look back up at the sky. Still blue. I couldn't talk. Not being able to speak scared me and I began to breathe quickly. I wanted to say a simple "Woah," at the beauty in the sky but physically could not.

Tears welled up in my eyes and then it all connected. When my father raped me I'd think of a safe place. Where I was right now was that safe place I'd imagine. The place I would imagine was this place without monsters, where the sky was always blue, a calming nature around me. There was only one thing missing.

I thought there someone was missing until someone grabbed my hand on my left. I held their hand back and looked. Billy Batson laid there next to me. He was wearing all white and a red bowtie.

Tears began to sting my eyes when I realized I couldn't say anything. I wanted to say "hello," or "I love you," but nothing would come out.

"This is your safe place?" He asks. I just stared at him, that's all I could do. He stared back.

"It's beautiful," he says. I smile at him and let a tear slip from my eyes. I felt the small saltwater drop slide down my flesh. "C' mere," he says opening his other arm.

I couldn't move. He sighs and asks "Can't move, can you?" I shake my head. It's as if everything on my body was paralyzed. I had the power to move but I couldn't.

"That's okay," he says. He looks back up at the sky then I do the same. I lace my fingers with his which causes him to squeeze my hand tighter and rub his thumb on the back of my hand.

A minute or two later I hear "Y/n?" I look over at the handsome boy who had called me.

"I know you don't have a place like this... In the real world. You want one. I just want you to know that I'm happy you don't," he says. I felt hurt by his words but knew he had to say something after.

"If you did... I wouldn't have you," he sighs.

I thought "what makes him think he wouldn't have me?"

"I wouldn't be able to have you because you'd have to be dead for something this amazing. For something like this, I'd wish I was dead," he chuckles sadly.

I crush his hand tighter in my hand. "What did I miss?" I hear that final missing piece to my right. I look to my right and see Freddy Freeman laying there, his legs crossed, no walking stick, his hand folded behind his head.

"Really, Fred?" Billy asks.

Freddy laughs then looks at me. "I didn't think I'd be in your dream. Not that it bothers me, I love it here. It's SUPER cool. I just thought you were over my friendship..." he looked at me then scoffed. "Nah, you could never be over my friendship."

I close my eyes. I feel Freddy hold my hand along with Billy holding my left hand. Billy was holding it at least until he let go. My heart broke and I thought this dream was ending. I thought that until I felt Billy's body wrap around my own. I open my eyes again and see myself in a short white dress, Billy's head on my shoulder, Freddy on his phone.

This really was my dream. I really wanted this and Billy was right. If I had to die to have this, kill me now. I remove my grip from Freddy and slowly move my hand up to Billy's face which causes him to look up at me.

He sits up on his side and holds the hand I brought up to his face. He smiles down at me and says "I love you."

I begin to cry from sadness. I knew this wasn't real. This all was just a dream. If I could be here with them I'd kill for it. I looked over to my right and saw Freddy's figure fading away, into a white mist. He was wearing all white. The nature around us was deteriorating and becoming all white. I hear Freddy say a final, "you're okay."

Billy's hand takes my cheek in it and he whispers "Hey, hey, you'll be alright," before kissing me. I kissed back and he pulled away after a few seconds.

I stare into his green orbs for a few seconds as I watch the world around him decay. His hand starts to disintegrate on my cheek and he chuckles. "Well..." He says.

Words finally left my lips. "B-Billy. Please, no." I tried grabbing for him and he held my hands down onto my chest with his right hand.

"Hey, hey, Y/n... You're safe now... I got you," he says, the cutest yet saddest smile on his face.

I blink and I'm face to face with Freddy. Superhero Freddy. In that dark night carnival again. I was on the ground where the bald man had pushed me down.

"Freddy?" I began to cry, I wanted to be back in my dream.

He says "Shazam," and my Freddy is back. He wraps his arms around my waist and I cling to him, sobbing my heart out into his shoulder.

I didn't know why I was crying but I was and Freddy excepted it. He held me in his arms and let me cry till I couldn't cry anymore.

Shazam? (Billy Batson X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now