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- Chanyeol

I stood right there, behind the door. Through the small glass window, I can see the person unconsciously lying on the bed, being supported by machines to breathe, to live.

Her condition has finally went down to stable, but no one still knows what are the circumstances once she had opened her eyes. That two options, paralyzed or memory loss. If I'll be asking, losing memory will be better, not only because she'll get to live in a normal pace but also she'll be able to forget the things that had keep her on suffering.

The man she loves the most...
Is there, sleeping at the side of the bed, can't even do anything. Seeing him makes me want to suck someone's soul out of their body. If it wasn't for his close-minded parents then things now will be fine for everyone.

I love Chaeyoung... but I've never placed my feeling in front of her until that moment I confessed. I never wanted to ruin something that is so good already, our friendship. But now, we're all here. Even if disregarding me, even if I didn't confess, even if I havem't fell in love with her... I believe this is still the state where we will all end up.

My senses were caught up when a person stood behind me, tried looking through the small window with her face seemingly concern.

"What are you doing here?"
       I asked with a raspy tone.

"She'll survive, and I'm convinced that she won't happen to lose her memories or be paralyzed."
       She stated and suggested with her eyes fixed on the lying woman inside the room.

My body moved on its own, I faced her and took a deep breathe before saying...

"You're convincing yourself?"
       Her eyes went up at me.

"Because you're afraid that you're the reason of all of these."
       Looking at the situation, it was an accident, but that won't really happen if...

"I didn't do anything that will result to this, Chanyeol."
       She, in a calm voice, answered.

"Really? But if it weren't for you and his mother, things will be fine as of today."
       I took one step forward, my voice is turning hoarse even more.

"But who decided to run away like that?"
       She questioned and it's getting into my nerves.

"Who even started this whole mess?"
       She's pointing something that shouldn't even be pointed out.

"She was ordered to go away, they were pulled away of each other already but who? Who did start the mess again?"
       Her eyes are red in anger yet watery.

"If there's someone to blame, it-..."

"Chaeyoung? You're insa-..."


"It's neither me or her..."
       Her eyes travelled back at the woman.

She breathed heavily and looked down on her palm before continuing.

"If we really love each other, we should fight together. That's what people always say, but I have a contradicting idea."

"If it's destined to be, then it will be. You don't have to force to be with that someone. I believe in fate is the one to decide, that's why you don't have to draw something on that book where fate is writing because what if... you unintentionally drew a line on that part where it was supposed to be fine. Your actions might be the cause of deterioration."

"But you did try to manipulate things too."
       Her eyes went back on mine.

"Because they chose to try harder. It was already our purpose from the very beginning, to send them apart. It was just worsen when they tried for the second time. Don't you get it?"

"These things won't happen if they held their feelings together. All in all, brain should function first. We can't say hearts are the one we should follow, it's not even thinking, as doctors, do we even take it as a logical reason?"
       Coming out right.

"As doctors, shouldn't be logic come first before emotions?"

"Can we say a patient is going to recover with just our intuition? No. And it's the same with this, they should've thought of it and planned for it before doing an action."

"I can't blame them, they love each other... but the took the wrong path by deciding to fight at that very moment. They rushed things... and you can't just rush an operation that you're not sure of what kind of injury you're trying to cure. The two of you are surgeons, you should know that."
       Applying everything in a hospital scenario, she pointed out everything from her perspective and I couldn't disagree more when she turned her back and walked away.

"Tzuyu! Where are you going!?"
       Jennie yelled but the younger didn't even looked back.

"What happened?"

"Why the two are you talking?"

"You seem irritated, the both of you look frustrated. What's within the conversation?"
       The three asked, Jennie, Jisoo and Lisa.

My body just turned to the door once again, eyes focused on the same person as earlier. The man is now awake, caressing her hand, pecking small kisses while his eyes are sending apologies and worries.

"What if... you unintentionally drew a line on that part where it was supposed to be fine. Your actions might be the cause of deterioration."

Contemplating about it...
What could happen if they both didn't tried to pursue being together? What if... they haven't met for the second time? Or did that action even if they are seeing each other everyday here, in this building.

"Your actions... might be the cause of deterioration."

Oblivion (Jungkook X Rosè)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora