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- Rosè

I can sense his eyes focused on me.
We are now back at his car, and I'm still out of the world, still thinking what his mother have said earlier.

"It's not all about the business, Park Chaeyoung. It's not all about the business, my son. There's something more and that something..."

"It's not all about the business but also about pride, dignity, reputation and past happenings."

I felt a warm hand touching mine...
I tilted my head and looked at him with blank expression.

In few milliseconds, he cupped my face and clicked his tongue a little in annoyance.

As I heard the sound of his tongue clicking, my eyes landed on his lips. And I had a though of him being a disobedient son for his parents. That's true, very well true, I admit, if it wasn't for me, he wouldn't oppose to his parents this much, they won't have a huge conflict to their family.

Because of me, they're having bad memories...
Bad relationship.

"I'm sorry."
I apologized...

Smiled a little...
While the tears slowly streamed down once more as I shut my eyes close.

He shushed and brushed his thumb on my cheek, wiping off the tears away.

"It's not your fault."
He stated.

"It's not your fault."
His mother's voice lingered to my ears even without her presence.

"But I can't ease seeing you, her daughter as my son's girlfriend, and more, as his wife. It'll just remind me of everything that had happened. The days I came to school with sorrowful state. Oh..."
It was already painful, but what shook me inside was...

"And let me add this, after that incident on the exam, she stole your father from me, he's my boyfriend before."
That statement...

Shook all of me, it wasn't visible earlier, I know...
But the aftermath of hearing it is currently evident.

"Shh, Chaeyoung, it's not your fault."
He repeated, and his manly yet soothing voice didn't made me feel better but made me feel guilty.

In response, I just shook my head and smiled a little...
I bowed my head, and let myself sob for the moment.

"Chaeyoung, please..."
He begged, that kind of voice, the last time I heard his cracking voice was when...

"What happened to her?"
He asked, I am not totally unconcscious, I can hear but I can't respond to what they are saying.

"She's just overly exhausted, she'll be fine, just let us her sleep for now. Her body is demanding for rest."
I can hear a co-doctor saying, I felt his hand gripped on mine and his forehead touched mine.

"Chaeyoung, please."
He was so worried and he kept begging for me to be fine when I'm just unconscious due to exhaustion.

My eyes opened and I looked at his reddish pair.
Tears are evidently forming on his, like he's just keeping himself composed for me.

I hold onto his arms, bit my lower lip, try harder to prevent myself from crying more, and he just continued brushing off the tears from my cheeks.

I breathed as I heard my name once again, and I nodded...

I removed his hands off from my face and nodded. I looked at him and shaped out a smile.

"It's not my fault, it's not."
With hardship, shaking voice and quivering lips , I replied.

"It's totally not, so please, stop blaming yourself. I know, inside you, you're blaming yourself for everything. I know you well, I may, have forgotten some of the memories, but I know you well. You take everything as your responsibility, even if it's not for you. You take every blame though not all of it was your fault. It's your nature, and please, that's the only thing I want you to change. I don't want seeing you like this again, I don't want to sense you blaming yourself, I don't want to hear your sobs, whimpers and I don't want to wipe sorrowful tears again. Please, Chaeyoung, be strong, not just for me, but also for yourself."
He's not demanding me an easy thing, but it is for me as well, so I have to do it. And that wish coming from him, it made me feel like it's going to break him if I won't do it.

"Be strong not for me or for our relationship because I can fight for us as long as you're with me. But I can't protect all the time, not twenty-four seven, Chaeyoung. I want you to be strong even without me by your side."
He stated, and held my hand after.

"I will, I will."
I answered and nodded.

He pulled me and gave me a warm, gentle peck on my forehead. My eyes squeeze shut at the feeling of his soft lips touching my forehead...

Very comforting.
Just him, will be enough for me to live."


A: A short update for today.

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