ChannelingHappiness' Author Interview

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#TWFBP2019       #TWFBPTimeTravel

Codename: Happiness

1. What is your username means? What is the story behind it? 

-My username ChannelingHappiness actually came from a tumblr domain. I chose to use it since it seemed like you are channeling happiness to the people. And just like what I want, I want to channel happiness to those people who will read my works.

2. Can you still recall the first time you've wrote your first story? Share your experiences in the process.

-My first story was already unpublished in my wattpad account. If I remember it, that was way back 2013. It's about two bestfriends who fell in love during summer and it's actually from my personal experience. I couldn't finish it since I am no longer friends with "that" friend of mine.

3. If you're going back to the past, what would you change in your own author career or stories?

-I won't change anything from my stories. Maybe, I will change my writing attitude. If I could turn back the time, I hope I became more productive.

4. Who's your favourite character among all the stories you've written? Why?

-I love my characters. They're very different from each other but if I choose one, I will choose Avalon Salcedo. She's a fighter and her heart is kind. She never allowed anger and hatred poison her judgement. She's too pure and innocent for me.

5. If you're going to create an alternate ending in one of your stories, what story would that be? Why? What ending will it be, if ever?

-I won't. I don't believe in altetnate endings. If I create a story, from the very beggining I already knew how I wanted it to end. If I do alternate ending in one of my stories, it seemed like I'm confused or not confident with my very own ending.

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