Chapter 28 - Whore(2)

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I went inside the building and found Mr. Smith standing near the reception area with two other men wearing suits. I assumed them to be the stakeholders we would be meeting today.

"Good Morning Gentlemen", I greeted all three of them .

"Hello Evan, meet Mr. Cooper and Mr. Sanders", my boss said.

"Hello", I shook hand with the men.

"Hey there, nice to meet you Evan", Mr. Cooper spoke.

After the introduction regarding our designation and responsibilities was done we went to a meeting room. The meeting continued for about three hours wherein we showed and presented the designs and blueprints of the hotel interior. The designs included those prepared by me and I was proud of that . The two men looked impressed and added few of their requirements and Mr. Smith agreed to modify the designs as per their interests.

I was extremely hungry since I did not have breakfast in the morning due to the conversation with Adrian. It was 12: 30 in the afternoon by the time we had finished. The two stakeholders left together while I and my boss bid them good bye. After that we discussed about the next layout and modifications we had to do. Once done Mr. Smith offered me to drop but I told him not to worry as I I already got a ride . He left after that and I checked my phone. It was 1:00 p.m. now. Adrian would not be here for another hour. I did not have his no. so I could not even call him asking to pick me early.

I thought of taking a cab back home but then what if Adrian is not at home and goes directly from wherever he is to pick me? He also did not have my no. and hence would no way of knowing I left.

So, I decided to wait here only until he comes. I walked and looked around for some food joint but there was none nearby. The place had few buildings under construction and some empty buildings. The weather had turned cloudy and it looked like it could rain anytime.

I went back to the hotel area and sat on a bench outside on the pavement. My hunger was killing me. I texted Pat to kill time but he did not reply. Surely he must be busy. I texted Paul next and got an immediate reply.

Me: Hey

Paul Work: Hello :) , how are you Evan.

Me: Good, just came to a site with Mr. Smith.

Paul Work: So you are coming to office? I was about to go for lunch. May be we can go together ;)

Me: Don't speak about food, I am starving here  :(  And no I am not coming to offc.

Paul Work: Why? :( :( 

Me: I will just go home straight, just waiting for my ride.

Paul Work: So then I will come there. Send me the address.

Me: Umm.. it's fine Paul.

Paul Work: No, I will have something packed. Sandwiches and milk shakes fine?

My mouth watered .

Me: Okay. You are too nice Paul. :)

Paul Work: That I am ;)  Just text the address.

I sent him the address and waited for him.

A car stopped nearby after 10 minutes and Paul came out of it with a packet in his hand.

I stood and greeted him. We sat on the bench and ate the food while talking about work and small jokes. Once we finished eating , I picked the empty food packet and the milkshake cans and stood and threw those in the garbage bin. I came back to the bench where Paul was sitting and he stretched suddenly and I tripped over his leg. I lost my balance but Paul caught me and I landed on his lap.

"Hey, you all right", he asked as he rubbed my back.

"Yeah, I did not see your leg extending", I joked still not realizing the compromising position we were in.

He laughed. "Sorry, my fault", and he playfully nudged my cheek. I stood up laughing and then checked my phone. It was 2:05 p.m. now. Adrian might be coming anytime now. I glanced around and found his car parked some distance away. He had arrived already. I felt giddy again and thanked Paul for coming and for the food as well and bid him good bye. He went to his car while I went to Adrian's.

I opened the door and sat on the passenger seat.

"Hey, thanks for coming", I said with a smile.

He did not reply. I glanced at his face and it had a hard expression, his jaw was ticking.

Did he wait for too long? Was I late? Was he angry again?

Stop overthinking Evan. I decided to ignore my stupid thoughts and looked outside. A light rain had begun.

He started the car and drove away from the curb.

I sat in silence watching the rain and sometimes glancing at his handsome face. He really looked like a Vampire. I suppressed the urge to run my finger over his facial counters. When will things become normal where we started acting like normal couples. I could touch and kiss him whenever I want.

I would not have to wait for him to come to me. Should it be always like that, me waiting for him? Which century are we living in? Can't I too make a move on him? We are married for God's sake.

A sudden sound of thunder brought me out of my thoughts. The rain had turned to a heavy downpour and a thunder storm was occurring. I was glad that he came on time. I could not stop my urge anymore and kissed him on his cheek.

The car stopped suddenly on the slippery roads causing the tyres to skid a bit. I glanced at him and his jaw ticked again. In my nervousness I blurted out something that I should not have said, atleast not right now.

"I like you".

He looked at me with that hard expression but I avoided his gaze. I had already spoken my feelings so better get over and done with speaking out.

"I mean I like you a lot Adrian. I.. I might be in love with you", I said.

"Get out", he said voice laced with venom.

"Uhh. What", I said confused still not understanding the words he said.

"I said GET OUT OF MY CAR", he spoke loud and clear.

I cringed at his tone but my mind who had decided to be stupid altogether said something more.

"Is it.. is it because of Michael?", I asked.

A silence that felt like eternity followed before he spoke.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?", he looked at me with killer intent.

I could not utter another word and just stared at him. My heart which has just now began to comprehend the meaning of his words was shattering slowly bit by bit.

"You are nothing but a whore you know that. Leeching over my family and brothers", he said in a cold chilling voice.

That was the final blow and I felt my heart to shatter completely . I felt those pieces being ripped away painfully from my chest. I silently got out of the car and without waiting he drove away. I stood there on the pavement. The heavy rain had soaked me completely in just few minutes.

Not a single tear escaped my eyes.


So, yes I had planned it from the very beginning. I know many of you are upset but this is how it was all planned.

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Married to Three (bxb)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz