My little protecter

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I woke up it was 8 am I stood up to go pee and wash my face and all when I got out prince was awake and very happy I loved him so much I took a blanket from the closet and I went downstairs I sat on the couch and called prince over for him to snuggle with me he put his head on my belly that's his way of protecting Casey which I think Is adorable I put on Netflix and I watch it while prince falls asleep again

I was on episode 12 of season 6 of friends when I passed out with prince next to me I loved him so much I couldn't wait for the twins to meet him and for baby Casey to meet him to

The bed is empty and I see the dog bed is empty I quickly go downstairs to see my beautiful wife and our 2 month old puppy cuddled up in a blanket sleeping I thought it was adorable so I took a picture and started breakfast I made eggs and bacon I gave put dog food in the dog bowls and water Sweet pea came up and set the table

Hey man where's Vanessa

"With Cheryl too"


I woke up Betty and she looked ready to eat and the dog also got up and started to eat his food

"Good morning" I say

"Morning babe" she says while wrapping her arms around me and giving me a kiss

"Hey guys can I talk to you" Sweet pea says

"Yea what's up" I say

"Uh Mia wants to take Vanessa away from me" he says with tears slowly filling his eyes

"Sweet pea look at me" I say he looks up at me with tears beginning to fall out of his eyes

"Mia is not going to take Vanessa away from you ok" I say

"I have to go to court" he says

"Why" Betty says

"She wants to take full custody of her and take her away from me so she filed a court appointment" he says as even more tears fall down his face

"When is it" I say

"Tomorrow here in Riverdale" he said quietly

"Sweets we will be there ok Cheryl has to come back early today since she knows what Mia did and even has her phone call recorded ok" Betty says

"Ok I just really don't want to lose Vanessa she's the best thing that's happened to I don't even know why Mia wants her know she left a little over a year ago and now she wants her" he says with tears streaming down his face

"Sweets you are not losing Vanessa nobody is going to take her away" I say with a reassuring voice

After I heard what sweet pea said I knew I had to call Cheryl so I went up stairs and called her

"Hey Betty what's up"

You need to come home now

"What happened"

Mia is trying to take Vanessa away from Sweets and court is tomorrow and we need you

"Yea ok I'll book a flight for tonight"

Thank you Cher

"No anything for sweet pea he's like my brother"

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