Home sweet home

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We got the twins strapped into the car we said goodbye to everyone except Cheryl since she was coming with us Betty went in the passenger seat Cher in the back with the kids and we were ready to go

We stopped to grab a bite at pops before we officially left Riverdale when pop saw our kids he said he knew we would end up together

After we left pops every one wen to sleep next thing I knew I was pulling up to Betty and I's apartment complex Cheryl immediately woke up and slowly did Betty I got everything out of the car and took it upstairs

The twins were still asleep Betty feel asleep and Cheryl demanded to go to Betty and I's principle

I demanded jughead to take me to there principle he did just that he drove me and dropped me off at this office type place in NYU

"Hello do you have an appointment"

No but I would like to speak to the principal or the head of the school

"Ok miss right this way"

Ok thank you

"May I ask your name"

Cheryl Blossom


She knocks on this door and says I'm here to see the guy

"Miss Blossom you may pass


"Hello what brings you here"

Um hi I am here to make a statement

"Uh yes ok may I ask your name"

Cheryl Blossom

"Ok miss Blossom you don't seem to be one of our students her in our university"

I'm not here for me I'm here for Betty and Jughead

"Who are Betty and Jughead"

Shoot sorry I mean Elizabeth Andrews and Forsythe Pendleton Jones the third

"Aw Yes Elizabeth and Forsythe what can I do for them miss Blossom"

Give them more time off


So Betty i mean Elizabeth just gave birth last week to Forsythe's babies my niece and godson and I was wondering if they could have more time off

"Oh miss Andrews gave birth already um miss Blossom I'm going to ask what type of relationship do you have to Elizabeth and Forsythe"

Um I am Elizabeth's cousin and Forsythe and I grew up in the same town and I've known him since forever and he is Elizabeth's boyfriend/ baby daddy soon to be husband

"Um ok miss Blossom I will give Elizabeth and Forsythe two more weeks and May I ask you to please not come in my office ever again and not to step into this campus without my permission and if you are here why are you not in school"

I was here to accompany Elizabeth and Forsythe in there trip from Riverdale to here as they have twins and I am doing online school until tomorrow as I return back to California

"What college do you go to"


"Impressive now please get out of my office miss Blossom"

Ok bye kisses to all

I leave the office as I walk through the campus I get stares I mean I am wearing a mini skirt and crop top with 8 inch heels in the middle of winter in New York I get whistles but I simply flip my hair

I get in the car and jughead says how it goes

Let's just say I managed to get you two more weeks off and I'm not allowed on your school campus anymore

"What did you do"

I just said that you guys have kids and they were born next week blah blah

"Dear god Cheryl"

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